Saturday, August 22, 2020

An Analysis of Geoffrey Hill’s Little Apocalypse :: Little Apocalypse

An Analysis of Geoffrey Hill’s Little Apocalypse  â â â Seamus Heaney’s â€Å"The Redress of Poetry† uncovers that â€Å"it is the creative mind [of poetry] squeezing backâ against the weight of the real world (1).†Ã¢ The two contradicting powers of creative mind and the truth are dynamic in Geoffrey Hill’sâ â€Å"Little Apocalypse.†Ã¢ The sonnet manages the individual strict clash of Friedrich Hoderlin (1770-1843), a German verse poet.â Hill centers around Hoderlin’s battle with his solid confidence in Greek folklore and afterward Contemporary Protestant philosophy. From this reality Hill uses Greek and Christian imagery.â Hill’s creative mind supplements Hoderlin’s reality and results in an aesthetic retelling and striking portrayal of the German poet’ difficulty.  â â The primary verse addresses Holderlin’s relationship with Christianity, explicitly his mother’s want for him to be a minister. His mom was exceptionally straightforward with her desires and sent him to â€Å"monastery schools† at Maulbronn and the philosophical theological college in the University of Tubingen (Witte 1).â according to â€Å"Apocaplypse† Hill composes that Holderlin is â€Å"close enough to endure the sun’s crude recharging wrath (33).†Ã¢ The sun speaks to Christianity and however its lessons just as its steady techniques for teaching (â€Å"primitive restoring fury†) encompass him at school and home, he is â€Å"close enough† to his own strict convictions established in Greek folklore (Witte 1).â The â€Å"scorched vistas† propose that Holderlin’s point of view on religion had been changed or brought into question from his parochial education.â Hill infers that Holderlin considers his cohorts as â€Å"injured† probably from an otherworldly perspective yet keep on being valiant. Regardless of the harmed, Hill states â€Å"this man [Holderlin] stands fixed against their injury.†Ã¢ The picture of Holderlin standing firm extraordinarily appears differently in relation to that of the harmed and the utilization of â€Å"sealed† represents that he held solid to his convictions.  â â The subsequent refrain movements to pictures of Greek mythology.â€Å"Hermetic brilliance of incredible suns kept in† has a two sided connotation. On one hand, his strict feelings are fixed sealed shut and on the other Hill envisions him as Hermes the old god flag-bearer. As the antiquated detachment God Hill implies that Holderlin himself was a flag-bearer maybe with a strict message however befuddled by two distinct religions. The last three lines allude to the rediscovery of Holderlin’s work that has built up him as â€Å"one of the exceptional verse writers in the German language† and set him in the positions of the â€Å"Greatest of German artists (Witte 2).

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How to Start an Essay About Yourself

How to Start an Essay About Yourself Creating an essay about yourself is a tough task, no matter if you are making it for school or for the admission committee at college. When it comes to this kind of essay, you have to take many aspects into account. The most important aspect for the reader will be details, from which you build your story based on personal experience. To learn more about how to start an essay about yourself, continue reading the article. How to define an essay about yourself? As you have already understood, this kind of essay is all about your personality. In this paper you reveal your individuality, purposes and values. As you have to transform an autobiography into an essay, you should first think of the major point of the work in order to constrict your subject. This major thought must be shown in the thesis statement, which defines what you are going to add to the paper. Also, in this type of work you may make a self-analysis, for which you have to be critical and honest about yourself. Developing ideas for an essay Although your tutor may have given a specific topic for the paper, making up an idea might be hard. If you want to make a memorable work, you have to include the experience that no one has had. There are things like marriage and birth of children that are truly significant experience in a person’s life but a lot of people live through these things and this might be not a great idea for the paper. Instead, consider some difficulties in your life that you had to overcome to achieve something and transform it into an essay. Make a sample introduction essay about yourself in order to understand how you can develop this idea. Starting the paper Generally, your task is to write about your life story, or leastways about a significant experience you have gone through, so think of the paper as if it was a story. There are some facts that are definitely not good for beginning of the paper, such as telling your name, or the date of birth. It is quite simple to guess why they are not the best choice they are not catchy in terms of reader attention! It is the kind of information that readers might already know about you. Besides, these facts sound like clichés that readers possibly have heard many times. The best ways to start an essay about yourself include writing something original and unexpected, or you may start with a bright moment from your life and connect it with your work. If you want to write about some people that influenced your life greatly and do not know how to do it in order not to offense them somehow, remember that it is normal to change names and details in honor of them. The thing you should remember when you are writing autobiographical essay is that it presupposes a creative approach. Even if the paper is truthful, that does not mean you can not introduce original frame of mind.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Why Inequality Matters, For Non Economists - 1672 Words

Grasping the Problem: Why Inequality Matters, for Non-economists Before analyzing Piketty’s global tax on wealth, we must understand the problem Piketty is trying to solve. The central economic dilemma revealed by Piketty’s research is that greater returns (r) on capital investments are outpacing the overall economic growth rate (g), succinctly noted in the form r g, and the imbalance is driving wealth inequality. Thus once capital-rich individuals acquire (often through inheritance) large enough capital reserves, Piketty’s model and data suggest the continued higher returns on their capital will cause wealth inequality to grow, concentrating more and more capital into fewer and fewer hands. Piketty’s provides evidence of†¦show more content†¦In this section, I summarize Piketty’s arguments and attempt to strengthen the political rationale he offers for a global tax on capital; specifically I attempt to extrapolate the role of wealth in democracy and its effect on transparency. In the next section, I will offer a critique of Piketty’s argument for a global tax on capital, especially his failure to consider the legal and political maneuvering such a tax would require. Piketty makes his point early that â€Å"to regulate the globalized patrimonial capitalism of the twenty-first century, rethinking the twentieth-century fiscal and social model and adapting it to today’s world will not be enough.† More specifically, he defines the primary purpose and means of a global tax on capital: â€Å"The primary purpose of the capital tax is not to finance the social state but to regulate capitalism. The goal is first to stop the indefinite increase of inequality of wealth, and second to impose effective regulation on the financial and banking system in order to avoid crises. To achieve these two ends, the capital tax must first promote democratic and financial transparency: there should be clarity about who owns what assets around the world.† Before breaking down Piketty’s argument, we must remember that he understands this tax on the capital wealth of individuals (e.g. inherited wealth, stocks,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Naturalistic Ideals of Jack London Essay - 825 Words

The Naturalistic Ideals of Jack London As an adolescent, Jack London led an impoverished life and struggled to earn more money to support himself and his mother. In an attempt to find a small fortune, London joined the Klondike Gold Rush in 1897. Unfortunately, he returned home penniless. However, his adventures in the Yukon provided him the most epic experiences that guided him into writing some of his most famous, widely acclaimed literary works. His novels focus primarily on naturalism, a type of literature in which the characters are shaped by their environment through the practice of scientific principles. The author centralizes his themes around this literary technique. Jack London’s naturalistic portrayal of his characters explores†¦show more content†¦Through his vivid writing style, London captures the spirit of the wilderness and that â€Å"life was a struggle for survival†¦ the ‘fittest’ would come out on top† (Napierkowski and Stan ley). Again, this philosophy is the result of Buck’s destiny shaped by a force beyond his control. He is heavily influenced by his pack leader’s incessant teasing and desire for a fight. Through these conflicts, Buck evolves into the most savage, fearless animal that roams the winter nights. London sees Darwinism as â€Å"a law of life† (Berkove) and Buck has certainly accomplished it. He successfully achieves the status of alpha dog by later killing the pack leader and proving himself to be the â€Å"fittest†. Although this process is very difficult, London manages to evoke a brighter side to the situation. Buck’s struggle for survival produces a new personality fit for the environment of the Yukon, thus completing his transformation. However, there is a fine line between the struggle for survival for a human and an animal. In his story â€Å"To Build a Fire†, Jack London reveals the teamwork required from both the man and the dog in order to conquer the ruthlessly cold winter. â€Å"To Build a Fire† centers on a man trekking out into the below zero temperatures of the Yukon with his dog companion and ultimately succumbs to the unrelenting force of nature. The man puts his best battle with the wild but to no avail.Show MoreRelatedNaturalism Literary Period2601 Words   |  11 Pages readers can see the steadily decline that nature, or fate, had evoked on the protagonist of naturalist stories. Also unlike romanticism, Zola uses his characters as a device for symbolism rather than a hero for readers to look up to. 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A large number of these works have been linked as and cited as direct inspirationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Build A Fire With The Film The Revenant 1558 Words   |  7 Pagesbefore and is marked by the close to life writing. The naturalist, in particular, observed the nature as a powerful, unpredictable force that had full control over people behavior. Notable authors emerged during this era e.g. Jack London and Leonardo DiCaprio. Jack London composed a significant tale of reason versus instinct known as â€Å"To Build a Fire.† The story, published in 1908, includes the essential beliefs of Nat uralism. Since Naturalist writers worked to illustrate real world situations,Read MoreEssay on Naturalism and Realism1298 Words   |  6 Pages Beginning in the late 19th century, two separate movements spread across America know as realism and naturalism. While the two were very similar in their beliefs and ideals there were still many apparent distinctions to differentiate the two. Realism and naturalism showed themselves in many aspects of life, from art and sciences to new math techniques and even religion. However, above all else these movements may have been most evident in the literature of this time. Reading through American literatureRead More Stephen Cranes The Open Boat and Jack Londons To Build A Fire 2309 Words   |  10 PagesStephen Cranes The Open Boat and Jack Londons To Build A Fire Stephen Crane’s short story, â€Å"The Open Boat† speaks directly to Jack London’s own story, â€Å"To Build A Fire† in their applications of naturalism and views on humanity. Both writers are pessimistic in their views of humanity and are acutely aware of the natural world. 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This is furtherRead MoreBlack Naturalism and Toni Morrison: the Journey Away from Self-Love in the Bluest Eye8144 Words   |  33 Pagestheory of naturalism as well: the idea that one s social and physical environments can drastically affect one s nature and potential for surviving and succeeding in this world. In this article, I will explore Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye from a naturalistic perspective; however, while doing so I will propose that because Morrison s novels are distinctly black and examine distinctly black issues, we must expand or deconstruct the traditional theory of naturalism to deal adequately with the AfricanRead More Visions of The Primitive in Langston Hughes’s The Big Sea Essay examples6201 Words   |  25 Pagesvisitors and I almost never went ashore. Those long winte r nights with snow swirling down the Hudson, and the old ships rocking and creaking in the wind, and the ice scraping and crunching against their sides, and the steam hissing in the radiators were ideal for reading. I read all the ship’s library. (Hughes, 1986, p.95) Among the books that Hughes finds in the ship’s library is a copy of â€Å"Conrad’s Heart of Darkness† (p.95). That Conrad’s novella should be mentioned in this context reveals a playfullyRead MoreSLA Lg teaching methods approaches7312 Words   |  30 Pagesgrammatical paradigms in isolation is rare nowadays. The Direct Method While Henri Gouin’s The Art of Learning and Studying Foreign Languages, published in 1880, can be seen as the precursor of modern language teaching methods with its ‘naturalistic’ approach, the credit for popularising the Direct Method usually goes to Charles Berlitz, who marketed it as the Berlitz Method. 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Communication is a fundamental component promoting positive behaviour Free Essays

In the secondary school scene, well-developed communicating accomplishments are an indispensable constituent of effectual schoolroom direction. They enable instructors to develop reciprocally respectful mutual interactions with pupils that serve to augment schoolroom experiences and results. Assorted characteristics and methods of communicating may be used to heighten interpersonal exchanges, promote effectual problem-solving and expedite struggle declaration. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication is a fundamental component promoting positive behaviour or any similar topic only for you Order Now These are the critical edifice blocks that serve to construct trust and apprehension. Furthermore, the many factors involved in effectual communicating aid greatly in easing warm reciprocal student/teacher relationships and productive acquisition environments which in bend, foster positive behavior and larning results. ( Arthur-Kelly, Lyons, Butterfield A ; Gordon, 2003 ) Many secondary school pupils perceive this clip period to be particularly disputing. Developmentally, such pupils are sing considerable upheaval as they begin to negociate the labyrinth to emotional, societal, physical and cognitive adulthood. The secondary school old ages are farther complicated as striplings begin to consolidate their sense of individuality, strive for greater liberty and freedom and their societal webs expand. These momentous alterations may do many pupils to stagger and fight both behaviourally and academically. Fortunately, through the usage of effectual interpersonal communicating techniques instructors are able to construct respectful, mutual relationships that bolster secondary pupils throughout this disruptive journey. ( Martin, 2010 ) Interpersonal communicating is a complex pattern that involves conveying and having messages. Spoken words are used to convey significance but the frequently unmarked non-verbal constituents of communicating are of equal importance and comprise at least 50 % of message content. Such constituents include oculus contact, paralinguistics, positioning and position, facial looks, gestures, propinquity and touch, personal visual aspect and communicating puting. These factors have tremendous potency to interfere with and falsify the significance of intended messages. As such, it is of paramount importance that instructors avoid doing rushed readings of pupil non-verbal behavior and besides pay attending to the congruity of their ain non-verbal communicating. Actions tend to talk louder than words so incongruous non-verbal communicating has the possible to earnestly undermine message unity and cause pupil confusion. ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) As stated by Charles ( 2000, pp. 48-49 ) â€Å" To a surprising grade, how you communicate determines your effectivity as a instructor. Relationships are built on communicating and easy destroyed by it. † Because so much of communicating has the possible to be misunderstood it is indispensable for instructors to use schemes that minimise the opportunity of this happening. One peculiarly effectual method is the usage of active hearing ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . Active hearing is non simply hearing but a much more purposeful action that involves being attentive, endeavoring to understand communicated concerns and emotions, clear uping through appropriate inquiring and back uping job resolution ( Weinstein, 2007 ) . During active hearing, the receiver of the message interprets what has been said and accurately reflects this back to look into apprehension of the talker ‘s concerns and associated feelings. This procedure enables the talker to experience acknowledged, supported and confident that they have been understood. It encourages the talker to go on showing, clear uping and earning support to work through issues constructively ( Geldard A ; Geldard, 2007 ) . By utilizing the active hearing technique, instructors send a strong message to pupils that they truly care. Congruently, caring, and particularly student perceptual experience of such, is an of import requirement for set uping the healthy relationships that promote positive behavior and academic results ( DeSantis King, Huebner, Suldo A ; Valois, 2006 ) . 4 Several other communicating procedures may besides be used to heighten the active hearing procedure and to convey echt concern and lovingness to pupils. These include doing appropriate oculus contact by changing position to fit the degree of the talkers, utilizing congruous facial looks, using minimum verbal cues and persisting with active hearing until the talker feels ready to reason ( Weinstein, 2007 ) . Open inquiring is besides of import. This involves the preparation of inquiries that require more than a negative or affirmatory response. Such inquiring is peculiarly utile to convey to light antecedently inconsiderate issues and besides to clear up information. Additionally, it is an effectual manner of promoting ongoing conversation ( Geldard A ; Geldard, 2007 ) . The combination of the abovementioned schemes efficaciously facilitate clear look and enhance listening truth during conversations. In secondary schoolroom state of affairss, nevertheless, it is frequently necessary to guarantee that intervention whilst conveying messages is eliminated every bit expeditiously as possible. In these state of affairss, self-asserting communicating is an plus ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . During self-asserting communicating, the rights of both the talker and the hearers are upheld, therefore cut downing intervention. This method of communication is neither inactive nor aggressive. Rather, pass oning assertively means showing messages in a no-nonsense mode that is straightforward, honest and unoffending ( Mohan, McGregor, Saunders A ; Archee, 2008 ) . One such manner of communication is through the usage of I statements. I statements are a practical method for leting the talker to convey their message and at the same time do their demands known without encroaching on the rights of others. They are frequently peculiarly valuable as they alert the hearers to the talker ‘s religion in their cooperation without any associated threatening intensions ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . Assertive statements are by and large stated in three parts, to depict specific behaviors, to sketch feelings associated 5 with such behaviors and to exemplify the effects of such behaviors. They send a clear message to the receiver without hazard of discourtesy ( Mohan et al. , 2008 ) . Spoken calmly, I messages operate to supply valid, comprehensive feedback to pupils about the effects of their behavior in a respectful, non-intimidating manner ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . Despite the demonstrated efficiency of communicating procedures such as active hearing and self-asserting communicating, in secondary schoolrooms, the potency for struggles and unsolved jobs remains ever-present. Because of the emphasis and anxiousness that is frequently associated with the dramatic alterations experienced by striplings, that they may at times act with confusion as they try to joint their ideas and feelings. This may precipitate apparently inappropriate words and actions that may necessitate careful dialogue to decode and decide ( Brown, 2005 ) . Negotiation is a problem-solving communicating accomplishment that incorporates active hearing and self-asserting behavior. Basically, dialogue involves utilizing common regard and communicating devoid of intervention by such contaminations as high affectional provinces ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . In dialogue, six stairss are used to ease problem-solving. The first measure involves job designation utilizing I messages, unfastened inquiring and active hearing. Step two necessitates the designation of possible problem-solving options. This is facilitated through the collaborative listing of suggestions which are freely expressed and are neither evaluated nor censored ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . In measure four, this procedure is refined as stakeholders are provided with the chance to cancel any antecedently generated options that they find wholly unacceptable. Subsequently, in measure five the stripling selects their most favorable option which they believe is most likely to be successful and an understanding to implement this is established. Step six completes the process and involves holding on a clip period before the consequences of the solution are reviewed. During the reappraisal procedure, permanent 6 execution may be decided upon or in the instance of an disappointing result the dialogue process will be repeated ( Arthur-Kelly et al. , 2003 ) . Walsh ( 2004 ) alludes to the fact that during adolescence, emotional ordinance is still undergoing development. This is one account for what appears to be bad-mannered, unprompted and angry behavior that is sporadically demonstrated by striplings. Understanding by secondary instructors that striplings will at times make societal mistakes is highly wise and has tremendous potency to be relationship edifice, puting the phase for cooperation ( Brown, 2005 ) . Consistent, considered action on the portion of the secondary instructor leads to the edifice of trust that is built-in to respectful relationships. Likewise, appropriate and effectual communicating physiques common regard and is the foundation of all positive acquisition environments ( Brown, 2005 ) . All schoolroom larning occurs in the context of interpersonal interactions and this mutual agreement wields a powerful influence over the learning environment and associated pupil accomplishment. Effective communicating between inst ructors and pupils has a mutual consequence. Resultantly, it stands to ground that such interpersonal interactions are a critical constituent of positive schoolroom environment and associated enhanced behaviors and larning results ( Goh A ; Fraser, 2000 ) . Much research exists to back up the impression that positive relationships between pupils and instructors enhances larning environments, taking to improved behavior and favorable acquisition results ( den Brok, Levy, Brekelmans A ; Wubbels, 2006 ; Fraser A ; Walberg, 2005 ; Urdan, A ; Schoenfelder, 2006 ) . More peculiarly, pupil motive, larning and grade of conformity are preponderantly shaped by their perceptual experience of their relationship with their instructor ( den Brok, Levy, Brekelmans A ; Wubbels, 2006 ) . During the turbid secondary school old ages pupils care a great trade about set uping positive relationships with their instructors and the degree of support this provides. As such, they respond 7 with far greater enthusiasm, pronounced battle and augmented attempt, both behaviourally and academically, when they perceive that their instructors care about them ( Urdan, A ; Schoenfelder, 2006 ) . By utilizing effectual communicating accomplishments, instructors are equipped with the tools to leave this powerful belief in their pupils, therefore taking to respectful mutual relationships, positive acquisition environments and associated behavioral and academic growing. 8 How to cite Communication is a fundamental component promoting positive behaviour, Essay examples

Friday, April 24, 2020

Know how to identify development needs free essay sample

Everyone has their own preferred way of learning new things. Knowing how you learn can Help you take control of situations and develop further in learning or employment situations. To help me identify my own learning style(s) and that of a member of my team, I used the VAX questionnaire below. Tick box A B or C for each question that most represents how you generally behave. ABC 1When I operate new equipment I generally:x A B CRead the instructions first Listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before Go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it 2When I need directions for travelling I usually:x A B CLook at a map Ask for spoken directions Follow my nose and maybe use a compass 3When I cook a new dish I like to:x A B CFollow a written recipe Call a friend for an explanation Follow my instincts, testing as I cook 4If I am teaching someone something new I tend to:x A B CWrite instructions down for them Give them a verbal explanation Demonstrate first and then let them have a go 5I tend to say:x A B CWatch how I do it Listen to me explain You have a go 6During my free time I most enjoy;x A B CGoing to museums and art galleries Listening to music and talking to my friends Playing sport or doing DIY 7When I go shopping for clothes I tend to:x A B CImagine what they would look like on Discuss them with the shop staff Try them on and test them out ABC 8When I am choosing a holiday I usually:x A B CRead lots of brochures Listen to recommendations from friends Imagine what it would be like to be there 9If I was buying a new car I would:x A B CRead reviews in newspapers and magazines Discuss what I need with my friends Test drive lots of different types 10When I am learning a new skill I am most comfortable:x A B CWatching what the teacher is doing Talking through with my teacher exactly what I am supposed to do Giving it a try myself and work it out as I go 11If I am choosing food from a menu I tend to:x A B CImagine what the food will look like Talk through the options in my head or with my partner Imagine what the food will taste like 12When I listen to a band I can’t help:x A B CWatching the band members and other people in the audience Listening to the lyrics and the beats Moving in time with the music 13When I concentrate I most often:x A B CFocus on the words or the pictures in front of me Discuss the problem and the possible solutions in my head Move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils and touch things 14I choose household furnishings because I like:x A B CTheir colours and how they look The descriptions the sales people give me Their textures and what it feels like to touch them 15My first memory is of:x A B CLooking at something Being spoken to Doing something 16When I am anxious I:x A B CVisualise the worst case scenarios Talk over in my head what worries me most Can’t sit still, fiddle and move around constantly ABC 17I feel especially connected to other people because of:x A B CHow they look What they say to me How they make me feel 18When I have to revise for an exam I generally:x A B CWrite lots of revision notes and diagrams Talk over my notes, alone or with other people Imaging make the movement or creating the formula 19If I am explaining to someone I tend to:x A B CShow them what I mean Explain to them in different ways until they understand Encourage them to try and talk them through my idea as they do it 20I really love:x A B CWatching films, photography, looking at art or people watching Listening to music, the radio or talking to friends Taking part in sporting activities, eating fine foods and wines or dancing. We will write a custom essay sample on Know how to identify development needs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 21Most of my free time is spent:x A B CWatching television Talking to friends Doing physical activity or making things 22When I first contact a new person I usually:x A B CArrange a face to face meeting Talk to them on the telephone Try to get together whilst doing something else, such as an activity or meal 23I first notice how people:x A B CLook and dress Sound and speak Stand and move 24If I am angry I tend to:x A B CKeep replaying in my mind what has upset me Raise my voice and tell people how I feel Stamp about, slam doors, and physically demonstrate my anger 25I find it easiest to remember:x A B. CFaces Names Things I have done ABC 26I think you can tell if someone is lying if:x A B CThey avoid looking at you Their voice changes They give me funny vibes 27When I meet an old friend:x A B CI say ‘it’s great to see you’ I say ‘it’s great to hear from you’ I give them a hug or a handshake 28I remember things best by:x A B CWriting notes or keeping printed details Saying them aloud or repeating words and key points in my head Doing and practising the activity or imagining it being done 29If I have to complain about faulty goods I am most comfortable:x A B CWriting a letter Complaining over the phone Taking the item back to the store or posting it to head office 30I tend to say:x A B CI see what you mean I hear what you are saying I know how you feel Total number of ticks in each column:130512 If you chose mostly A’s you have a VISUAL learning style. If you chose mostly B’s you have an AUDITORY learning style. If you chose mostly C’s you have a KINAESTHETIC learning style. Learning Styles Self-Assessment Everyone has their own preferred way of learning new things. Knowing how you learn can help you take control of situations and develop further in learning or employment situations. Tick box A B or C for each question that most represents how you generally behave. ABC 1When I operate new equipment I generally:* A B CRead the instructions first Listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before Go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it 2When I need directions for travelling I usually:* A B CLook at a map Ask for spoken directions Follow my nose and maybe use a compass 3When I cook a new dish I like to:* A B CFollow a written recipe Call a friend for an explanation Follow my instincts, testing as I cook 4If I am teaching someone something new I tend to:* A B CWrite instructions down for them Give them a verbal explanation Demonstrate first and then let them have a go 5I tend to say:* A B CWatch how I do it Listen to me explain You have a go 6During my free time I most enjoy;* A B CGoing to museums and art galleries Listening to music and talking to my friends Playing sport or doing DIY 7When I go shopping for clothes I tend to:* A B CImagine what they would look like on Discuss them with the shop staff Try them on and test them out A B C 8When I am choosing a holiday I usually: Read lots of brochures Listen to recommendations from friends Imagine what it would be like to be there ABC * 9If I was buying a new car I would:* A B CRead reviews in newspapers and magazines Discuss what I need with my friends Test drive lots of different types 10When I am learning a new skill I am most comfortable:* A B CWatching what the teacher is doing Talking through with my teacher exactly what I am supposed to do Giving it a try myself and work it out as I go 11If I am choosing food from a menu I tend to:* A B CImagine what the food will look like Talk through the options in my head or with my partner Imagine what the food will taste like 12When I listen to a band I can’t help:* A B CWatching the band members and other people in the audience Listening to the lyrics and the beats Moving in time with the music 13When I concentrate I most often:* A B CFocus on the words or the pictures in front of me Discuss the problem and the possible solutions in my head Move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils and touch things 14I choose household furnishings because I like:* A B CTheir colours and how they look The descriptions the sales people give me Their textures and what it feels like to touch them 15My first memory is of:* A B CLooking at something Being spoken to Doing something 16When I am anxious I:* A B CVisualise the worst case scenarios Talk over in my head what worries me most Can’t sit still, fiddle and move around constantly A B C 17I feel especially connected to other people because of:* A B CHow they look What they say to me How they make me feel 18When I have to revise for an exam I generally:* A B CWrite lots of revision notes and diagrams Talk over my notes, alone or with other people Imaging make the movement or creating the formula 19If I am explaining to someone I tend to:* A B CShow them what I mean Explain to them in different ways until they understand Encourage them to try and talk them through my idea as they do it 20I really love:* A B CWatching films, photography, looking at art or people watching Listening to music, the radio or talking to friends Taking part in sporting activities, eating fine foods and wines or dancing 21Most of my free time is spent:* A B CWatching television Talking to friends Doing physical activity or making things 22When I first contact a new person I usually:* A B CArrange a face to face meeting Talk to them on the telephone Try to get together whilst doing something else, such as an activity or meal 23I first notice how people:* A B CLook and dress Sound and speak Stand and move 24If I am angry I tend to:* A B CKeep replaying in my mind what has upset me Raise my voice and tell people how I feel Stamp about, slam doors, and physically demonstrate my anger 25I find it easiest to remember:* A B CFaces Names Things I have done ABC 26I think you can tell if someone is lying if:* A B CThey avoid looking at you Their voice changes They give me funny vibes 27When I meet an old friend:* A B CI say ‘it’s great to see you’ I say ‘it’s great to hear from you’ I give them a hug or a handshake 28I remember things best by:* A B CWriting notes or keeping printed details Saying them aloud or repeating words and key points in my head Doing and practising the activity or imagining it being done 29If I have to complain about faulty goods I am most comfortable:* A B CWriting a letter Complaining over the phone Taking the item back to the store or posting it to head office 30I tend to say:* A B CI see what you mean I hear what you are saying I know how you feel Total number of ticks in each column:151203 If you chose mostly A’s you have a VISUAL learning style. If you chose mostly B’s you have an AUDITORY learning style. If you chose mostly C’s you have a KINAESTHETIC learning style. Learning Styles Now I have identified the learning style(s) for a member of my team and myself, and buy Reading the explanations below, we can consider how this will help us to choose the type of Learning that works best for us. People commonly have a main preferred learning style, but This may be part of a blend of all Three. Some people have a very strong preference; other People have a more even mixture of two or less commonly, three styles. Remember, there is no right or wrong learning style. The VAK learning styles model suggests that most people can be divided into one of the Three styles: Someone with a Visual learning style has a preference for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flip-chart, etc. These people will use phrases such as ‘show me’, ‘let’s have a look at that’ and will be best able to perform a new task after reading the instructions or watching someone else do it first. ?These are the people who will work from lists and written directions and instructions. ?Someone with an Auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to the spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. These people will use phrases such as ‘tell me’, ‘let’s talk it over’ and will be best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an expert. ?These are the people who are happy being given spoken instructions over the telephone, and can remember all the words to songs that they hear! ?Someone with a Kinesthetic learning style has a preference for physical experience touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. These people will use phrases such as ‘let me try’, ‘how do you feel? ’ and will be best able to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning as they go. These are the people who like to experiment, hands-on, and never look at the instructions first! AC 1. 2 Use a simple technique for identifying own development needs and the development needs of another member of the team. It is very important for any organization to identify your own development needs and the Development needs of your team, and the development of all individuals at all levels. In The section below I have looked at a couple of ways you can identify the skills and Knowledge required for successfully delivering as well as providing the training and Development required for both me and that of another member of my team. Of course there are training and development texts that cover this subject in much more Detail, it is best to start with an analysis of the training and development that is required. The Starting point and the subsequent steps can be represented in ‘The Training Cycle’ or ‘The Systematic approach to Training and Development’. This is a widely recognised and used Model of the processes involved in professional development. When setting any objectives for training we should be using the standard management Practice of using SMART objectives. SYou will notice that the objectives are specific in that they explain a number of individual tasks. MThey are measurable in that you can determine if the tasks have been completed by checking against the targets, e. g. 2000 words, four bridges, grid reference, and so on. AThey are achievable in that resources are available to complete the task. For example, is there sufficient time for completion and does the candidate have access to a computer? RThey should be realistic. Clearly any task to be set at an appropriate level and be relevant to the development of the individual. We have to ask whether the person presently has the skills to carry out what we are expecting, does he/she need training or can they learn by on the job training. TFinally, the task should be time-bound in that you have to set time targets for completion, and possibly for reviewing progress. If you are able to set SMART objectives it makes the job of evaluation and review much easier. Identify the need The need for staff training can be identified in a number of ways, such as during interviews, Through feedback from colleagues, by competence or knowledge tests, by observing work Taking place, or from appraisal documents or CVs. Skills and knowledge audits and a SWOT analyses are well-known techniques that can be used for self-assessment as well as For identifying the needs of individuals and groups. Skills and knowledge audit A ‘brainstorming’ session will identify the skills, knowledge and understanding required to Carry out a particular task. To help me identify my own development needs I used the table On the next page, by comparing my existing skills and knowledge with the recommended Ones helped me to determine the training and development needs I could need. SKILLSLevel requiredCurrent levelDevelopment needs Project designDegree or HNC level management and review Supervisory management plus some specific project trainingILM Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management Planning and reviewingManagement Level 2 S/NVQManagement Level 2 S/NVQAs above Staff managementManagement Level 2 S/NVQManagement Level 2 S/NVQNone required Team briefingManagement Level 2 S/NVQManagement Level 2 S/NVQAs above Effective presentationAbility to present projects to community groupsNot confident in presenting to groupsILM Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management Report writingProfessional quality reportsAlready presents high quality reportsNone required Assessment skillsVocational Assessor AwardHolds Skills Assessor AwardTo work towards the D33 Team skillsManagement Level 2 S/NVQManagement Level 2 S/NVQNone required Training of trainers3- to 4-day courseAlready holds three relevant training unitsNone required KNOWLEDGELevel requiredCurrent levelDevelopment needs Managemen t of Health and SafetyIOSH levelAlready holds IOSH and has attended specific trainingNone required Safety in Housekeeping legislationIOSH levelAs aboveAs above Employment legislationManagement Level 2 S/NVQManagement Level 2 S/NVQUpdating courses when available Appraisal system and how it worksSpecific knowledge and use of the systemHas carried out appraisals in other organisationsSpecific coaching only required Environmental legislationFull knowledge of relevant environmental legislationHas full knowledge through personal researchNone required Do not be over specific about each and every aspect of the job, and do not use vague Expressions: communication skills, for example, may cover questioning, listening and talking To a group. You should attempt to be as clear and concise as possible about the skill or Knowledge required. To help me identify the development needs of a member of my team I used a SWOT Analysis, this is a simple self-assessment tool and is the SWOT analysis or analysis of STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS. This can be used on its own or with the skills and knowledge analysis. It is good technique For helping staff identify their own training needs with or without support. My Team leader StrengthsWeaknesses Has a strong background in supervisory management techniques.? Has not worked to any degree with groups of manual workers. ? Has used a pc competently in previous jobs.? Is unfamiliar with project management software. ? Has an IOSH Certificate.? Health and safety training did not cover everything needed for this roll. OpportunitiesThreats ? There will be a number of candidates selected for a higher level qualification in supervision? Lack of supervision / management skills can hamper progress. ? Growth in the path industry may mean that there are more higher level jobs available.? Other candidates may have worked with manual workers – I need to improve my leadership skills. Using the SWOT analysis has helped us to see some of the development areas my team Leader needs, and from this I can help by finding the right course to help in his development. AC 1. 3 Identify potential barriers to learning Workplace learning is the process of gaining relevant skills and knowledge at work, either Informally as you gain experience or formally through structured training. Barriers to Workplace learning are factors that slow down the process, misdirect it or prevent it from Happening. These factors differ from one type of job to another. Misdirection If your goal is to achieve long-term success in your field, you need to learn new skills and Abilities on an ongoing basis. A sales professional must improve his closing techniques and His understanding of customer psychology, while an information technology specialist needs To keep up with new technological developments. One potential barrier to effective Workplace learning is that you may learn something that provides a short-term advantage But actually works against your long-term professional development. For example, if you Learn how to close just enough sales to meet your quota consistently, this may discourage You from learning the sales techniques that would substantially improve your close rate. Stagnation Another barrier to workplace learning is getting caught in a rut. If the work you do is not Mentally stimulating or challenging, you may not continue to improve on the job. Company Culture also can have a big impact on whether employees keep growing and learning or Whether their skills and motivation stagnate. If you believe your supervisors arent interested In hearing what you have to say, wont listen to concerns you have and dont welcome your Questions, you wont keep learning and improving. Companies that foster an open culture Are less likely to have this problem. Obfuscation Effective learning often depends on effective teaching, but not all teachers are equally skilled Or willing. Many workplace skills are best learned from an expert, and experts are not Always readily available. Some co-workers who do have genuine expertise are not willing to Share it openly. For instance, the companys best programmer might be worried that if he Teaches new employees all the tricks of his trade, his own value to the organization will Decline and he could lose his position. Teaching materials such as training videos or Instructional manuals may be poorly explained, confusing or limited. Companies can Overcome these issues by rewarding employees who mentor others and ensuring that there Are adequate materials on hand to facilitate learning? Access Depending on the type of business, the employees may face problems outside of the Workplace that interfere with their ability to learn in the workplace. Low-skilled employees Often are eager to obtain training to improve their job skills, but they sometimes face Complex life situations that make this difficult. This can include obligations to family Members, lack of free time to engage in additional training, medical problems and lack of Funds to pay for any training the employer does not provide. Anything the company can do To make training more accessible and flexible can alleviate this problem. This is just a few of the potential barriers to learning and I have explained these in a bit more Detail, below is a small list of some others, this list is again only a short list there are possibly Many more. Employee learning not seen as critical to business success Identifying and analysing true learning needs is time consuming Employees reluctant to take the time out to learn and develop Available learning not seen as specific enough to job roles and company strategy Learning doesn’t deliver tangible benefit Learning solutions simply don’t deliver No observed behavioral change Learning solutions are costly and risky AC 1. 4 Explain how barriers to learning can be overcome Overcoming barriers to success involves assessing the situation, consulting experts, Considering alternatives and taking action. To manage your career effectively, you need to Take charge of your own development. By assessing your own skills, getting advice from Others, learning new skills and making informed decisions, you can achieve your goals. Overcoming challenges and setbacks usually requires a positive attitude, as well as Dedication and commitment. Feedback To communicate more effectively and overcome objections, start by collecting information About the problem at hand. Avoid misinterpretation, misunderstanding and mistakes by Assembling all the facts. Depending on the situation, you can conduct surveys, run focus Groups or simply start a conversation with a colleague. Listen carefully and pay attention to The subtle nuances of what people say. Then take action to use the feedback and address The problem, tell people what you did, evaluate the outcome and refine your approach if Necessary. For example, to improve your chances of getting a new position, ask a friend or Colleague to review your resume and cover letter. Does it reflect your skills and knowledge In the best manner? Make modifications based on their feedback and submit your Application. Join a professional organization in your industry to network with other business Professionals. By making new contacts, you can learn about new opportunities to use your Unique skills and experience. Change Barriers to change include reluctance to part with old ways, sadness and regret associated With loss, and fear of the unknown. Managing change effectively and overcoming these Obstacles involve setting a clear course for the future and establishing realistic goals. Recognize that change can be disruptive. Then commit to the transition and form new Strategies. For example, once you decide that you want to pursue a new a career in a Higher-paying field, get the training and experience you need to succeed, according to your Budget and time availability. Define goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic And time constrained. For example, if you want to pursue a career in health services, you Might aim to complete your bachelor’s degree and earn a nursing degree in the next six Years by participating in an online university program. Decision Making Barriers to success often involve an inability to make good choices. Learning how to Evaluate options efficiently can help you ensure career success. Sometimes you need to Make a quick decision without consulting others to ensure your safety and well being. Other Times, get input from other people you trust to help you make an informed decision about The next step to take in your development. When you work on a team, there may be times When the group needs to collaborate to make a choice that impacts everyone. This can take Time but the results are typically beneficial in the long run. When you don’t have time or the Outcome doesn’t really matter to you, delegate decision making to a subordinate to keep Processes flowing smoothly. This might include tasks such as approving travel expenses That are under a certain amount. Productivity When your goals don’t align with those of your company, your motivation and desire to Perform decrease. Ensure that you fully understand your companys strategic objective, Mission and values so that you can position yourself appropriately. Examine your work Habits. Manage your work day effectively to achieve your short and long-term goals. For use Online time management tools to focus your attention on the task at hand and complete Work in short segments. Managing your own productivity tends to improve your long-term Success. Section 2: Know how to develop self and others to achieve organisational objectives AC 2. 1 Briefly analyse learning/development options to meet need(s) of Self and another member of the team.