Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Learning Styles and the Accounting Profession Essay example

Every human being in this world is unique and each individual has different ways in which they learn. Learning styles have been formulated over the years to help us recognize the way we approach learning and methods we use to gain knowledge. It is an individuals distinctive approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preference with a mixture of various styles. In this essay, we will take a look at different learning styles and how they can be implemented and integrated in the accounting profession. To determine the best way I learn, I carried out two different learning styles questionnaires online. One may find that they are not always categorised in a specific type rather they may have more†¦show more content†¦The results were similar to the VARK results. Similar concepts apply to this model as the scores from the test are matched against a scale with two polar opposites, in this case, visual and verbal. As I stated before, visual learners learn better with p hysical demonstrations rather than explanations with words. Finally, my last result was reflective learning. This is a very fair assessment of the way I learn as I am more into the critical analysis of a subject or concept. I prefer studying or revising alone than in groups and thinking things thoroughly first on my own. Study styles of accounting students in universities are mainly based on two methods. †¢ Tutor centred: Lectures and seminars qualify for tutor centred learning. That is why university students need to become skilled at how to listen, memorize and take notes that are taught by the lecturer. †¢ Student centred: Student centred learning involves student actively taking part, learning with examples of real life situations. They are encouraged to work in groups in case studies, debates, presentations and in new environments in which they must get accustomed. E-learning and independent studying are all means to get the students learning on their own, thinking critically and evaluating concepts. â€Å"Experiential Learning is based on the idea that particular experiences form the basis of learning opportunities†(Allan B,2009). David Kolb developed the Experiential Learning Model in the early 1970’s.Show MoreRelatedThe Different Roles Of The Accounting Profession1305 Words   |  6 PagesThe Different Roles of the Accounting Profession Module by: Link-Systems International, Inc.. E-mail the author Summary: Demo/Sample Learning Object in Accounting Note: You are viewing an old style version of this document. The new style version is available here. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Federal Emergency Management Agency - 2125 Words

Introduction On April 1, 1979 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emerged in the United States. The purpose of this agency was to coordinate the response to all types of crises in America to help alleviate local and state government crisis management. In the case of a major crisis in a state, the governor must declare a state of emergency, and request to the president that the state is in need of assistance from FEMA. In addition to assisting states in crisis management, FEMA also provides training of response personnel in the United States, ensuring that people are equipt with the knowledge and skills to assist in case of a disaster (fema.gov). After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Congress the Homeland Security†¦show more content†¦The proper use of strategic planning can insure that the goals and objections of an organization are clearly presented with a precise action plan to see the goals in fruition. In this paper, we identify the importance of strategic pl anning in organizations while analyzing FEMA’s 2014-2018 strategic plan. FEMA’s mission statement, core values and goals will be closely examined to determine whether its strategic plan accurately prepares them for their future. Subject Matter 1) How was the plan formulated? When looking at the formulation of the strategic plan for FEMA, FEMA’s Administrator W. Craig Fugate, states that â€Å"this strategic plan was developed through the involvement of hundreds of FEMA employees and many external stakeholders who contributed to generating our objectives, strategies, and outcomes, and who are now working with us to execute this plan† (Fema.gov). According to Pynes, strategic human resources management is the belief that agencies need realistic knowledge of the talent and capabilities of their current staff in order to be effective and adapt to changes quickly. Agencies should implement human resources activities, policies, and practices to make the necessary ongoing changes to improve or support the changes within the agency’s operational and strategic objectives (Pynes, 2013 p. 37). The formulation of the 2014-2018 strategic plan for FEMA connects to Pynes belief of acknowledging the abilities of staff

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Internal Corporate Communication Strategy Free Essays

string(111) " that issues surrounding employees and employee communication are at a board room level \(East Coast, Bibb, p\." Therefore, the main objectives of the campaign are: To encourage all employee to be receptive to changes and new regulations within he East Coast and to be confident in implementing these changes. ; To promote a sense of social Identity within East Coast as a whole. To meet these objectives, the strategies put forward are: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Corporate Communication Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now To develop employee engagement, particularly in regards to changes in safety regulations, therefore dramatically decreasing the amount of accidents within 12 months. 2. To ensuring all internal corporate communications is company-wide and therefore cementing the East Coast social identity and removing the feeling of territory. 3. Promote awareness of the ‘EUREKA’ changes recently undertaken by East Coast, ensuring all staff understand and feel comfortable acting on the new service within six months, with feedback opportunities during and after the changes. The tactic to Implement these strategies Includes a company-wide webbing and smaller meetings with a more focused discussion. It also recommends a company email network be arranged to make contact with all employees easier, as the current system Is dated and not efficient. Evaluation Includes feedback forms to monitor opinion and accident records to monitor and tangible changes. East Coast Main Line Company Limited Background East Cost Main Line Company limited (East Coast) is a train service provider that runs 1 55 train Journeys every weekday and has approximately 2,800 employees. The main train line runs from London up the Eastern side of the UK up to Edinburgh. (East Coast, AAA, p. 3) An owner of East Coast is a company named Directly Operated Railways, who are responsible for overseeing the activities of East Coast on behalf of the government. The structure of the organization Is hierarchical (see appendix 1) and contains a HRS manager and also a Head of Communications, both of whom would be Interested In the Internal corporate communication of East Coast. The 2011/2012 corporate objectives of East Coast are summarized as: ; To sustain and build on the successes IT 2 To make significant improvements in those areas where we need to -particularly in terms of operational safety; ; To place East Coast, amongst the best, if not second to none, within the Industry, in terms of safety. ‘ East Coast (2011, p. 3) These objectives appear vague and are not specific enough to show the real intent for East Coast during 2011/2012). The objectives do not say how the success will be measured and are not specific enough to East Coast; aside from the reference to feet, these objectives could apply to any organization. Sundry and Buck (1996, p. 43) explain that the more specific the objective, the easier it is for employees to understand what is expected of them and what they should be aiming at achieve, the East Coast objectives would be difficult for an employee to use for direction. For the year 2011/2012 East Coast Managing Director, Kate Boswell, has outlined 17 corporate strategies for the organization to work towards (see appendix 2). This does not include the 27 other strategies that relate to specific areas within the business. Abram and Klein (2003, p. 1) state that a company’s strategy should be able to be summed up in Just a few sentences and so the strategies set out by East Coast are possibly too extensive, though they are all specific, realistic, measurable, achievable and time- relevant and this is clearly explained in a small table that is given for each objective (see appendix 2). Newcomer (2010, up. 41-848) comments that the definition of a stakeholder now ‘extends well beyond the traditional concept of shareholders to include employees, suppliers, customers, trade unions, communities, etc. ‘ and by naming employees points out the importance of internal stakeholders. The three main internal stakeholders that East Coast should consider include: ; Board Members All employees Owners, including the government body ‘Directly Operated Railways’ Currently East Coast has a quart erly internal magazine that is distributed. Messages and information is distributed by a printed letter being placed in each employee’s tray at the main train station they work in, a relatively dated approach. Communication between depots and between different crews is limited as they do not currently have an opportunity to speak to one another. Before this campaign is implemented, search should be conducted to show a starting point to compare results at the end of the campaign. Research should include current opinion research of employees and accident records. Internal Corporate Communication Objectives Spirits and Swedes (2003, up. 0-71) outline the three basic aims of all internal communication; ensuring the information being communicated is understood, accepted by employees, with acceptance of the messages content, intent, relevance and merit; the majority of employees achieve the motivation, direction, information, or participation intended by the message; and the aim of improving internal dialogue s achieved, whic h will then have a rippling effect on other areas of the business, such as product quality, sales, performance and, ultimately, customer satisfaction. This campaign will not consider any other area of internal communication, only Internal corporate communication. Internal corporate communication and its position among other internal communication areas is shown in the Internal Communication Matrix proposed by Welch (2007, up. 177-198) and gives possible internal corporate communication goals for an organization, such as to ‘promote awareness of its changing organization’ and promote commitment to the organization’ (see appendix 3). Internal corporate communication is concerned with communication to all employees from a top level. Throughout a welcome pack available on the East Coast website (2010), East Coast make regular references to the relationship they strive to create with staff. Page four states that they want to make East Coast a great place to work by keeping staff safe and encouraging employees to work as a team. On page five, four key values are outlined that all East Cast staff should aim to be. These are; be focused; be insistent; be human (placing people in the centre of the business); and be progressive. The board of East Coast also has an Employee Director to ensure that issues surrounding employees and employee communication are at a board room level (East Coast, Bibb, p. You read "Internal Corporate Communication Strategy" in category "Papers" 5). Argentina (1996, p. 80) notes that organizations have ‘become more focused on retaining a happy workforce with changing values and different demographics, they have necessarily had to think more seriously about how they communicate with employees’ and this is obviously something that East Coast has taken seriously. The objectives suggested for East Coast to ensure they work awards the corporate objectives of the organization (outlined on page 4), therefore ensuring internal communications is seen as a management function, are: sense of social identity within East Coast as a whole. Internal Corporate Communication Strategy A key theory for internal corporate communications is Media Richness Theory, especially in a large corporate such as East Coast. Media Richness is defined by Sock (2010 p. 0) saying ‘in this theory, different media are classified according to their degree of richness, which varies depending on the degree to which media incorporate certain characteristics. Four main characteristics define the richness of a medium, according to media richness theory. Two of them are the medium’s ability to convey multiple communication tools (such as facial expression and intonations) and enable immediate feedback on the message being conveyed (a characteristic of synchronous commun ication). The other two†¦ Are the medium’s support for language variety and personalization of the message. Daft and Lange (1986, p. 560), two of the main Media Richness theorists, give prominence to the first two characteristics, claiming the remaining to characteristics are related to the first two. Face-to-face communication is the richest type of communication, while communication such as email is seen as lean and as impersonal, though this is criticized by Sock (1999, p. 13-19), who states that the theory is too deterministic and technological development means Tanat email Ana toner electronic communication Is richer than assumed by the theory. However, this criticism was put forward by the Journal of Information Technology Impact and so may have a vested interest in encouraging the use of electronic media. East Coast may want to consider Media Features Theory (El Chainsaw and Markus, 1997) which found that people choose heir media dependent on its easiness of use and its effectiveness. This gives electronic media a prominent role in communication, especially in large organizations, where traditional media is no longer the norm. Media Features theory puts emphasis on modern media, which as seen as more appropriate within organizations as it is extremely time effective. However, Media Richness Theory would argue that though electronic media may be more time effective, it does not guarantee that the message will be seen by the target audience as many people do not read generic emails. East Coast should consider the level of media richness of different immunization channels when planning on implementing the recommended internal corporate communication strategies detailed below. 1. To develop employee engagement, particularly in regards to changes in safety regulations, therefore dramatically decreasing the amount of accidents within 12 months. Irishman (2011, p. 32) states that all strategies should be ‘SMART’ (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time relevant). This strategy is specific as it is outlines the main area where employee engagement is required, East Cost staff need to be interested in safety issues to ensure best practice is achieved. The amount of accidents is recorded and therefore the strategy is measurable, it will look at any changes that have occurred over the 12 month period. The strategy is agreed upon as it is related to a corporate objective and so it something that the whole organization is working towards. It is realistic as there are no tangible barriers; internal communicators have access to every member of staff to ensure the message reaches them all. The strategy is time relevant as a 12 month time guide is given. 2. To ensuring all internal corporate communications is company-wide and therefore meeting the East Coast social identity and removing the feeling of territory. This strategy aims to increases the social identity within East Coast. Information provided by Module Partner (2011) found that different depots all have their own social identity, and communication between different depots is limited. Seaports (1989, up. 20-39) explains that social identity is vital to ensure all staff feel part of the team. Currently different depots at East Coast receive their internal communication at different times, by unifying these and creating company-wide internal corporate miscommunication this will increase the sense of social identity. . Promote awareness of the ‘EUREKA’ changes recently undertaken by East Coast, ensuring all staff understand and feel comfortable acting on the new service within six months, with feedback opportunities during and after the changes. This is SMART because it is specific to the new Eureka system that has recently been introduced at East Coast which involves a complete overhaul of the way the first class service is ran. The strategy is measurable as it states that there will be feedback opportunities to evaluate and measure the success of the communication. It is agreed upon as the EUREKA system NAS already Eden put Into place, tons strategy Is to ensure sat TTT are comfortable conducting the agreed upon system. It is realistic as the internal corporate communication needed to fulfill this strategy will benefit the employees as it will assist them with implementing the new system. However it has proposed a change to the psychological contract, which, according to Welling (2007, p. 29) must be negotiated carefully to ensure staff does not feel they are not being asked to do more without receiving any compensation in return. The strategy is time relevant as it is even a six month guideline to have promoted the changes. Internal Corporate Communication Tactics Tactics used to implement these internal corporate communication strategies, and therefore achieve the internal corporate communication and corporate objectives, should consider Uses and Gratification Theory. Uses and Gratification theory is defined simply by Tenth and Yeoman’s (2009, p. 225) as a theory focused on not what media do to audiences but what audience do with the media. It states that the audience use the media to meet their different needs, which can include to help fit in tit social groups (much like Social Identity Theory discussed previously), East Coast should aim to make their internal corporate communications a key part of the East Coast social identity. Possible tactics for East Coast to use to achieve their goals are detailed below. ; According to Media Richness Theory, face-to-face communication is the richest communicat ion channel and so this should be the best practice to aim for. However, the style of the East Coast business means that employees work shifts, seven days a week and so it would not be appropriate to have a company-wide face- o-face meeting as it would disrupt normal service. However, as a strategy of this campaign is to reinforce social identity among employees, it would be hinder the aim to have different times for communication, especially as Fitzpatrick (2002, p. 60) says that a message should be available to all recipients simultaneously. Instead it is to be recommended that all staff are given an access code to an online Webbing’ (an online seminar) to view a top company director outlining and discussing new changes in both safety and the EUREKA system, with comment thread available for staff to add their views and comment. This should then be followed up with smaller groups (maximum 50 people) being put together dependent on employees work schedule, ensuring that people from different depots are mixed in each group, and then holding more targeted sessions to go over these changes and discuss them in more detail. Currently staffs are told about meetings via a letter being put in their individual tray at their main train station, though discussions with the Module Partner (2011) found that these are often left unchecked for months at a time, and so it may be more efficient if staff email network was arranged to help implement all internal corporate communications. This would save time and cost and would ensure that all staff receives the message intended for them at the same time and makes other areas of internal communication simpler, therefore encouraging the East Coast social identity. In keeping with Media Features Theory also, it means that an efficient and easy to use communication channel is being used, email, as employees could access their emails from home. This should then be followed up with documents to reiterate the messages of the seminar and Webbing’ and should also be discussed in the internal magazine. This help to fulfill the objectives and strategies laid out previously In tons report It takes people out IT tenet current social groups Walton ten organization and encourages them to mix with other members of staff. It helps employees feel confident in implementing the changes that have come with EUREKA and with the regularly updated safety regulations, therefore improving service and safety. This would set up a new format for internal corporate communication to be carried out, along with the internal magazine that is already in place. Internal Corporate Communication Evaluation Watson and Noble (2007, p. 39) detail the value of evaluation within planned communication, and say that it is important as it tells directors what is working and what is not, once again helping to cement communications as a management function. To evaluate this campaign, East Coast should ensure research is done before implementing the campaign to have a base to compare the results with. After the allotted time frame given in the strategy is complete final evaluation will have to be conducted (as well as continuous evaluation throughout to ensure any required changes are made). Feedback forms will be given to all employees to measure how nonevent people feel about the changes and to receive feedback on the communication in general so that any changes can be incorporated next time. The feedback forms should be multiple choice questions with room for comments also. This data can then be quantified to hopefully support the basis for the campaign. This should then be compared with research conducted at the start of the campaign to display any changes in opinion. Internal corporate communicators should also monitor the comments left on the webbing page and take into account any issues raised here. They should gather the information and monitor the opinion of the employees, which should be compared with the opinion research conducted at the beginning of the campaign. How to cite Internal Corporate Communication Strategy, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Debatable Issue on Leadership Role of Nurses

Question: Describe about the Debatable Issue on Leadership Role of Nurses. Answer: Nursing is facing more changes and more challenges in contemporary time. Many professionals and experts are taking part in the debate and several summits and discussions are being made to make the current situation better. One of the controversial topics that are gaining attention in deciding the future of nursing is whether leadership role has to be given to the nurses working in a hospital or nursing home or not. The essay is based on the said topic. A discussion of the selected topic will be done analyzing the various concepts and theories of leadership quality. Nurses are not given that leadership authority in their working and are merely given the job to do as directed by the doctors and other higher authorities in a hospital or other care units. This raises questions on the ability of a nurse. According to Barr, Jill and Lesley (201), a leaders role is to elicit effective performance from others. This also involves leading and influencing shared values and expectations to enhance the planned goals of the organization and improve overall performance. As argued by Bower and Fay Louise (103), some leaders are natural leaders and that leaders cannot be created. Traditionally, it was viewed that leaders have certain personality traits that compel others to follow them. These traits include confidence, courage, ethical fitness and the ability to prioritize. But the same concept has been debated and it is viewed that with due experience and the ability to cope with situation enhances the ability of a person to become a leader. As pointed out by Child (21), sometimes, few nurses become role model for other nurses because of their leadership quality and the ability to handle the situation at tough times. So in such situations, leadership quality of a nurse cannot be challenged. It has been pointed out by Feldman, Harriet and Martha (13), autocratic leaders are effective in an organization because they create structure and they are the one who determine the needs of the organization. But, autocratic leaders become abusive at time and can create fear among the employees in the organization. At the same time, it has certain advantages because an autocratic leader is responsible for taking all kind of decisions for an organization and thus other employees just have to follow the orders given by the authority. In case of nursing, the same cannot be applicable because nursing involves dealing with emergency situations. For emergency situations, all that counts is experience. When the nurses are given the role of a leader, it is expected that the situation can be handled in a better way (Jeansonne and Priscilla, 210). If the leadership role is not given to the nurses then weak and poor performances of the organization is not recognized. In this respect, it can als o be said that when a mature person is given the authority to take hold of the situation, the outcome can be different and better. There are many advantages that can be highlighted when leadership role is given to the nurses. Primarily, in emergency situations, the nurses will have the opportunity to take prompt decision which is the most important factor in a hospital or a care unit. In case, if decisions remain pending then it might result in certain serious conditions as well. Nurses with good experience can easily be given the role of a leader (Lusiani et al. 45). Nurses often devote long hours in the workplace than the doctors. This also adds to the fact the nurses could be more aware of the happening in the care unit than the represented leaders. Apart from that, other members working in the same workplace can also rely on those nurses who have been given the role of a leader (Barr, Jill and Lesley, 75). The importance of experience cannot be neglected and it can be even said that experience plays a great role in creation of a leader. The role of a nurse in the recent time in major hospitals and other nursing and care units is merely to obey the instructions given to them and not any kind of leadership. Nurses are generally given the task of taking care of the patients and follow the instructions as prescribed by the doctor. Thus, the doctors play the primary role of a leader. It is viewed that doctors are more educated and professional than the nurses and thus, they have better knowledge of how the patients are to be treated and for the same reason, the nurses are not allowed to participate in making any kind of decision (Shaw and Sally, 35). But, it has to be kept in mind that the role of a leader is not limited to taking care of the patients but it is also related to managing situations of the workplace. In a care unit, responding to the emergency situation is what matters the most and for the same reason, long-time working and experienced nurses can easily be given the role of a leader who would have the autho rity of taking prompt decision as per the call of the situation. Transitional leadership is another style that has become very relevant in the recent time. This leadership style is evident because it does not support the fact that there should be a particular leader in an organization. But, transitional leadership calls for change in leadership whenever it is required (Simon and Hannes, 210). This type of leadership has been practiced in major organizations and it can be said that transitional leadership might be the best possible form of leadership in the field of nursing. When an autocratic leadership style is used then other persons in the organization have to wait for the order or permission to be given to proceed with the work. It might happen that the autocratic leader does not have much knowledge about the situation and is not capable enough to comment on the situation. Here, the autocratic leader fails to cope up with the situation. When the same approach is made by someone who has better understanding of the situation, the outcome of the situation is bound to produce positive result (Jeansonne and Priscilla, 32). If the same situation is viewed in respect to a nursing or care unit, the importance of a nurse in making decisions can easily be understood. This opens up a wider horizon for giving the leadership role to the experienced and existed nurses in the workplace. By the end of the discussion, it can be said that style of leadership in nursing depends on the association of nurses with the patients, service users and other team members as well. When the nurses are given the leadership role, real time feedback can be expected and continuous working of the nursing or other care units can be ensured easily. Moreover, when leadership role is given to the experienced nurses, the junior nurses alongside can also learn from them. This enables learning and practicing at the same time. As already mentioned, transitional leadership can the most fruitful type of leadership to be practiced in the hospital or other health care centers. Thus, the long debated topic whether leadership role can be given to the nurses in the nursing field can be concluded with a positive nod. Works cited: Barr, Jill, and Lesley Dowding.Leadership in health care. Sage, 2015. Bower, Fay Louise.Nurses Taking The Lead. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 2012. Child, Anne P.Keeping Patients Safe. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2014. Feldman, Harriet R and Martha J Greenberg.Educating Nurses For Leadership. New York: Springer Pub. Co., 2015. Jeansonne, Priscilla R. "Controversies In Critical Care Nursing".Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing8.6 2015: 367. 2014 Lusiani, Maria, Jean-Louis Denis, and Ann Langley. "Plural Leadership in Health Care Organizations."The Oxford Handbook of Health Care Management2016: 210. 2013 Shaw, Sally.International Council of Nurses. Oxford: Blackwell Pub., 2014. Simons, Tony, and Hannes Leroy. "Issues in researching leadership in health care organizations."Leading in Health Care Organizations: Improving Safety, Satisfaction and Financial Performance (Advances in Health Care Management, Volume 14) Emerald Group Publishing Limited14 2013: 221-234. 2012

Friday, November 29, 2019

Term limits Essay Example For Students

Term limits Essay Franklin Roosevelt was not wrong to violate the no third term tradition. The no third term tradition was set as a standard when Washington was in office. After Washington refused to run a third time, there were many other presidents who followed his lead. There should be no other president to lead the country at a time of strife, than the president that was in the office at that time. There was no written law that stated that a president could not run for a third term.The no third term policy was just a precedent waiting to be broken. We will write a custom essay on Term limits specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Informal amendments arent written in stone, therefore, people have the right to ignore them. The decision of President Washington to refuse a third term as President of the United States started a precedent that persisted stubbornly until 1940 (Permet 1). Washington felt that even one term was a lot, however, he was pressured by everyone to finish his second term. He could have run again, but he was getting old, and his health and spirit were diminished. Washington was no longer able to tolerate the quarrelsomeness of the factions within the government (Tugwell 45). Jefferson thought the third term was evil. He and many other men during his era had seen too much of the absolute monarchy in Europe, and they feared that under the US Constitution, a Chief Executive could be elected from four years to four years until it became a life term (Permet 4). Jefferson was asked, and many of his closest advisers nominated him for a third term. He declined the offer. Most people believed that he declined because he was losing support in the government and public due to failure in foreign policy. Now that a second president turned down the third term nomination, it was an unwritten law, and no one would even think of breaking the tradition. The next president who turned down the third term nomination was Jackson. Grant and Teddy Roosevelt followed him. They all had the same things in common. They were either burnt out, their policies didnt fly with the opposition, or they just couldnt cut it anymore as a president. Calvin Coolidge was nominated for a third term, but Herbert Hoover got the overall nomination. Coolidge didnt receive the final nomination due to fatigue.FDR made a gutsy move to run in the 1940 elections, moreover, it was a key move to get the US back on track. In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected for a third term over Wendel Willkie. With much past opposition to the third term policy, FDR was a sure shoe in for the third term. Other than Wendel Willkie, it was very hard to imagine anyone else taking over the responsibilities at the time (Parmet 287).There was still much opposition to the third term policy, but at that time Roosevelt was the right person to lead the country. The war time emergency helped FDR win the election. Rexford G. Tugwell, FDRs good friend and advisor, said, There is never a convenient time to change horses in the middle of the stream (Tugwell 178). Willkie wasnt the right one to carry out the New Deal. Republicans loathed the New Deal, and Willkie would have destroyed the rebuilding of the countrys economy. Also Willkie surely wasnt going to get the U. S. out of WWII.FDR and Churchill provided the leadership that led to a great victory. The war in Europe was over, and the end of the pacific conflict was less than six months-away (Parmet 289). Also, Roosevelt basically saved the world from Hitler (Parmet 290).Mr. Willkie didnt have the experience compared to FDRs previous two other terms.Alexander Hamilton said in the Federalist Papers, in Paper number 72: It was essential for the Chief executive to have the feeling that he would be able to finish what he had begun lest to hesitate to undertake a project for the public benefit because, together with his own reputation, it might possible be committed to hands which might be unequal or unfriendly to the task. .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f , .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .postImageUrl , .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f , .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:hover , .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:visited , .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:active { border:0!important; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:active , .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3677186db2e71c478d376147ae76268f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Language Usage in the Catcher in the Rye Essay (Parmet 2)I believe that it was morally right for FDR to sever the age old no third term tradition. There wasnt any law that barred him from running for his third term. Roosevelt was even backed by some of his old opponents. The big money men hated him when he came into office in the early 30s, but in 1940 the big corporations loved him, and backed him for all he was worth (Parmet 5). Also, democracy is based on the people and for the people. The people of the 1940s wanted FDR back in office. The only thing that might have kept him back were the supporters of the old no third term policy. Somebody was bound to break the verbal law. It was not written in stone, and the country needed someone to take them out from rock bottom. FDR felt that he needed to go back into office. He knew he could win. Other informal amendments are also not written in stone, and they too could be broken tastefully. The no third term policy was broken in taste. The country needed a president who could lead them in a time of need. The U.S. needed a man who could finish what he started and more. I believe that if the country would succeed without the informal amendments, and they should be abolished. However, if a single person or groups of people are going to deliberately break the verbal amendment for a negative reason, then the government should enforce it. It is all a judgement call when it comes to the demolition of informal precedents. Bibliography:

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe.

The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe. Throughout "The Purloined Letter," Edgar Allan Poe contrasts the intuitive, poetic deduction of Dupin with the orderly, mathematical logic of the Prefect. When Dupin's poetic logic outwits the Prefect's, Poe appears to convey a triumph of literature over mathematics. However, this apparent triumph of literary logic is underscored by parallels between Dupin and the Minister. Both are characterized by images of "doubling" and both use identical methods to steal the letter. Yet, the Minister is depicted as a villain, while Dupin is conveyed as a brilliant hero. Despite Dupin's success in discovering the letter, when Poe mirrors Dupin to the Minister, he reveals the double sides of his character and thus the multiple meanings within literature. Ultimately, Poe conveys that the true value of the purloined letter is its power to represent multiple meanings of both good and evil.Throughout the story, Dupin's imprecise, circular, intuitive deduction is contrasted with the Prefect's orderly, mathematical logic.English: The cover of the magazine The Gift, 1845,...From the start, Dupin is surrounded by images of smoke. In the opening line of the story, he smokes a "meerschaum" pipe. The narrator comments that Dupin seems to be "intently and exclusively occupied with the curling eddies of smoke that oppressed the atmosphere of the chamber" (Poe,6). Later, Dupin speaks "amid a perfect whirlwind of smoke" (9). Smoke is an intangible, curling, whirling, rounded image, with a shape and form that continually change. The disorderliness of the image that repeatedly characterizes Dupin is emphasized most poignantly when smoke literally breaks up the linearity of his sentences; "Whypuff, puffyou mightpuff, puffemploy counsel in the matter, eh?- puff, puff, puff. Do you remember the story they tell us of Abernathy?" (13) The puffs of Dupin's pipe, with their rounded paths interrupt Dupin's linear sentence. They not only break up...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Autism in African American Culture Research Paper

Autism in African American Culture - Research Paper Example Although such an analysis is somewhat dangerous due to its risk of stereotyping, with regards to the expected and anticipated actions of an entire ethnic group, the author will perform a high level of due diligence in order to ensure that this particular pitfall is avoided at all costs. Within such an understanding, the following analysis will seek to measure and discuss three specific compliments of the way in which autism has been understood traditionally within the African-American community, the overall level of acceptance that it has garnered, the impact of family structure, as well as some recommendations with regards to solutions to key problems which will be analyzed and briefly elaborated upon. Firstly, it should be understood that the overall level of acceptance of autism within the African-American community is nominally higher than with regards to many other ethnic groups. Scholars have long debated why this might be; however, a compelling reason for the relatively high l evel of acceptance that exists within the African-American community with regards to developmental disorders is likely with regards to the overall level of religiosity and belief that exists within this group as compared to others. ... From a sociological perspective, scholars have also pointed to the fact and belief that many African-American parents and caretakers have with regards to an autistic child (Hilton et al, 2010). As such, the belief that the developmentally challenged/autistic will soon catch up with siblings or classmates has a direct level of correlation to the unique African-American experience within the United States. Due to being born within a culture that has traditionally and seemingly perennially been repressed and discriminated against, and in dominant spirit of human hope and belief is evidenced within this community as compared to many others. Although the last determinant was something that could be potentially viewed as a net positive with regards to an understanding and appreciation for autism within the African-American community, the second determinant which will be discussed, family structure, is necessarily and net drawback that this community faces. What is meant by this is the fact that approximately 70% of all children currently born within the African-American communities of the United States are born into a single parent household (Tincani et al, 2009). Although it is not the purpose of this discussion and exploration to analyze the means by which a two-parent household is ultimately a more secure and better environment within which a child should be raised, it must be understood that the level of care and resources necessary for tending to a child/children with disabilities of a developmental nature is an order of magnitude more demanding than would be the requirements and level of attention for a child without a developmental disorder/autism. Within such an understanding, the reader can come to the clear

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Abortion, Choice and a Right Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Abortion, Choice and a Right - Research Paper Example The often contentious national discussion concerning legalized abortion is emotional and divisive. Politicians must declare themselves â€Å"pro-choice† or â€Å"pro-life† while campaigning for office. The debate has lasted for several decades and will continue for the foreseeable future. To properly examine the subject, the opposing viewpoints including the legal, medical and moral aspects must be argued with similar determination. Abortion is a multi-faceted subject and both sides of the issue present credible, thought-provoking arguments. It’s up to each person to parse through the scientific and legal aspects of the issue and decide for themselves based on what they deem to be morally acceptable. The enormity and complexity of the issue demand that all voting citizens understand both points of view and attempt to consider the issue with minimal biases to make a decision those best suits their intellect and moral comfort zone as well. This paper presents the p ro-choice and right-to-life view positions, both of which are compelling then concludes that legal abortions should remain legal and safe. It’s an election year meaning the abortion debate is again a main focus of the national dialogue and during this election cycle birth control, an issue widely considered decided two generations ago has found its way into the discussion. Women’s right to make decisions regarding their body versus moral considerations remains a hot topic and is essentially another science versus religion debate. Pro-choice advocates, the civil right and science side of the debate argue that laws which force women to give birth to an unwanted child conflict the principle of liberty defined by the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, such restrictive and intrusive laws are contradictory to any definition of compassion and decency.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Planning Essay

Strategic Management and Strategic Planning - Essay Example The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate how the Gillette Company responded to just such a set of circumstances and introduce change management into practice. The Gillette Company is a leading division of Proctor and Gambler specialized in personal care and household products. In this company, creative management consists of new ideas, new directions, new methods, and new modes of operation (Gillette Home Page 2008). Innovative management is much the same as the second element of creative and innovative activities--better results. Innovative management is involved with those innovation processes that implement creative ideas and move successfully in new directions. "The concepts "planned change" and "managed change" refer to changes that are deliberately shaped by the organization members (managers, consultants, groups). What distinguishes between the two concepts is the type of people they refer to (Hage, 1999). "Planned change" usually refers to how experts, outside or inside the organization, can help the organization cope with difficulties, and to plan and implement desired changes" (Levy and Merry 1986, p. 3). The Gillette Company op erates in turbulent environment marked by increased competition. The need for change is caused by new economic and social conditions, technological improvements and innovations implemented by direct competitors of Gillette. In order to remain competitive, Gillette has to respond to market changes and meet demands and expectations of diverse customers. The aim of change process is to restructure the company and introduce technological innovations and IT into everyday practice. These changes will cover organizational structure, climate, morale and culture (Mclagan 2002; Gillette Home Page. 2008). Strategic Planning Defined Strategic planning has many definitions. It basically answers the question of what will be done. Strategic planning is a leadership instrument and a process. It begins with establishing organizational aims and purposes, followed by formulation of ways and means to achieve those purposes, and provides direction for implementation of operational or tactical planning (Senior 2001). Strategic planning is a process for setting future direction, a means to reduce risk, and a vehicle for training managers. It is also a process for making strategic decisions, a way to develop consensus among top managers, and a means to develop a written long-range plan. Another definition of strategic planning is "that element of a manager's job and of the organization's function that deals with the contrivance of change, rather than the simple reaction to it" (Senior 2001, p. 54). Strategic planning involves those choices related to overall organizational purpose, oriented towards the future. Strategic pla nning/thinking entails operational (tactical) planning--the planning of those actions to be taken to put strategies into effect. This type of planning answers the question of how to get the job done. It often consists of specific objectives accompanied by short narrative action plans (Gillette Home Page 2008). Strategic management may have two diametrically opposed definitions. One is that it is the overall encompassing effort for total management of an

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Airasia Berhad Strategy Analysis

Airasia Berhad Strategy Analysis Introduction AirAsia Berhad (AirAsia) is the leading low cost airlines in South East Asia, which has expanded rapidly since 2001. The company is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and has successfully positioned itself in customers mind through the simple slogan â€Å"Now Everyone Can Fly†. The company is currently valued at approximately RM2.7 billion and has a total of 60 aircrafts that fly to over 50 domestic and international destinations with over 400 domestic and international flights daily (Euromonitor International, 2009). The operation for the short and long haul are handled by AirAsia and its sister company, AirAsia X Sdn Bhd (AirAsia X) respectively (AirAsia, 2009). AirAsia aims to establish itself as a leading low cost carrier in market by valuing its customers through cost advantages created by operational effectiveness and efficiency. More customers are able to fly taking into consideration the low fare charges as AirAsia capture segments of customers that previously could not afford the airlines fare. Whether the strategy exploits the companys key resources Each organisation is unique in terms of it resources and capabilities and the key to success merely depend on its ability to find or create a competence that is distinctive (Teece, Pisano and Shuen, 1997). The Resource Based View (RBV) combines two perspectives, the internal analysis of phenomena within an organisation and an external analysis of the industry and its competitive environment (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000) and (Collis and Montgomery, 1995). It goes beyond the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis by integrating internal and external perspectives. The ability of an organisations resources to present competitive advantages could not be determine without taking into considerations the broader competitive concept. Barney (1995) indicated that organisations resources and capabilities must be evaluated in terms of value, rarity, inimitability and organisation. Furthermore, Carpenter and Sanders (2009) suggested that in order for a company to gain co mpetitive advantage, they should possess resources and capabilities that are valuable, rare, inimitable, nonsubstitutable and exploitable (VRINE model). The value of the resources and capabilities interacts with the market sources and will differ based on time and industry. The three fundamental market forces; scarcity, demand and appropriability determines the value of a resources and capabilities (Collis and Montgomery, 1995). In order to answer the question of value, organisation could identify whether the resources and capabilities are able to meet market demand. As for AirAsia, the organisation relies on its human resources and management capabilities wherein these two components have satisfied the value requirement, as it has been able to meet the demand for the Low Cost Carrier (LCC) market. Resources and capabilities owned by AirAsia are homogenous in the market but aspect such as work culture and innovative routes make it difference from the competitors. For example, any ideas to improve the operations are welcome from all level of employees and in terms of route, AirAsia try penetrate new routes and will go to locations that others given up. In RBV concept, AirAsia can be characterised as a competitive parity company based on its valuable but not rare resources and capabilities. In airline industry, things like aircraft and fast turnaround time are easily imitated by others. Nevertheless, one of AirAsias distinct characteristic is path dependency wherein a characteristic of capabilities is developed and accumulated through a series of time (Dess, Lumpkin and Eisner, 2008). AirAsias work culture of openness between employees as well as the leadership from its Chief Executive Officer is something have been built up over a period of time which is difficult to duplicate. Moreover, the high capital requirement for market entry is another factor that leads to difficulty to imitate the resources and capabilities. It is undeniable that competitors can imitate the said resources and capability, however, it will take time and in the meantime, AirAsia will gain the competitive advantages. Controlling and exploiting the resources and capabilities provides competitive advantages to the organisations (Carpenter and Sanders, 2009). AirAsia has exploited it resources and capabilities, which is reflected in their financial performance. AirAsia has gradually increased its performance throughout the years. AirAsias s net profit for the 3rd quarter of 2009 totalled RM130 million ($38.4 million) which is sustained by rising passenger numbers and income from add-on services. The profit achieved was a turnaround from a RM466 million ($137 million) net loss in the same period last year (www.airasia.com). The fit of the strategy to current industry conditions The competitive environment consists of many factors that are particularly relevant to an organisations strategy. Analysing the external environment particularly the industry is a starting point for firms to develop a strategy. Porters five forces include the overall structure rather than focusing to any one element. However, the forces are not stagnant which tendency to change may occur. AirAsia operates within the airline industry and forces that are driven in the industry would identify the strength and weaknesses of the organisation. Rivalry among established companies Risk of entry by potential competitors Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Substitute Products High Due to market growth High Full service airline might want to consider going low cost Low Price is at the cheapest. Low Limited provider in the market. Low There is competition train, bus, car travel etc There is potential market in the Asia for LCC due to the rapid economic and disposable incomes growth. This seems to be a profitable opportunity to tap. Infrastructure such as high-speed trains and highways has yet to meet the high standard level and therefore customers tend to choose the air as mode of transportation. Hence, threats of substitutes are low as the geographical structure of Asia has made air travel the viable, efficient and convenient mode of transportation. Looking into this scenario, AirAsia entered the airline industry concentrating on the LCC and noted that at the initial stage there were less rivalry but as the industry grows, the rivalry among established firms become higher partly due to price issues. AirAsias main competitors are Firefly, Tiger Airways and Jetstar Asia. Knowing the increase of competition in the market, AirAsia applied the adaptation process (Hanan Freeman, 1984) by expanding its operation to long haul services to various destinations. Moreove r, AirAsia realise the price is destructive and try to avoid direct price competition and try to create a friendly competition environment. As there is positive trend in the airline industry, full service airline carriers have refocused its operation related to costs and yields as it is seen as a requirement to maintain profitability (Graham and Vowles, 2006). There is possibility of new entrance of LCC, which creates further competition in the industry.For example, Firefly was set up by Malaysia Airline System Berhad (MAS) is a part of LCC industry in Malaysia that has adapted AirAsias low cost concept. However, it would not be a threat to AirAsia as Hanan Freeman (1984) highlighted it is difficult to imitate as tacit amount of knowledge is required on the targeted firm. The government barriers air service agreement and high capital requirement could act as barriers to entry. Due to significant growth within the industry, demand for additional aircraft has increased and suppliers will be in a powerful position. It was reported that Asia accounts for 40% of new aircraft orders for Boeing and Airbus and seat capacity on LCC worldwide has more than doubled in the past four years (Shameem, 2006). Due to few players, Boeing and Airbus, and lack of competition in the market, the bargaining power of suppliers are low. Consequently, there is not much competition in terms of pricing occurring between the two companies so an airline carrier will have to accept an offer from one of the suppliers. The bargaining power for buyers is low as there is no room to bargain for cheaper tickets as AirAsia provides the lowest price compared to other carriers. The biggest threats for AirAsia are the rivalry and risk of entry with the existing and potential competitors. LCC business is viable and there is healthy profitability provided AirAsia continuously improves itself and is flexible in the challenging market. The sustainability of the differentiators Porter (1996) indicated that to outperform rivals, an organisation need to deliver greater value to customers and build comparative value at a lower cost. The airline industry is at the growing stage and therefore stiff competition from existing and new LCC is expected in the future. In order to sustain its competitive advantage, AirAsia needs to leverage its competency in creating cost advantages. At present, AirAsia differentiates by providing substantially low fares with no frills concept and by offering innovative routes. Murray (1988) indicated that there is uncertainty for sustainable differentiation to be achieved through product innovation and suggested that the area that could be concentrated for the said differentiation is quality and service. While,Porter (1996) highlighted that positioning are successful based on activity system and simple consistency between each activity aligning with the organisation strategy. AirAsia builds it brand name by providing a good quality service at a low price. Furthermore, AirAsia focuses on branding through campaign and advertisement such as recent sponsorship deal with an American football team, Oakland Riders. During inception, AirAsia focused on internal destinations and have further entered the international destinations. AirAsia X is differentiated by its long haul LCC as customers would not need to look at different carriers to reach different destinations at a lowest price. It is based on the same no frills service model wherein the price is 80% lower than its competitor together with additional services that requires customer to pay additional payment such as food, entertainment and others. AirAsia also seek to create excitement amongst their customers with the range of innovative and personalized service such as self check-in. Customer loyalty is build by the differentiation, which could act as a defence against rivalry (Eng, 1994). Due to AirAsias success in the industry, competitor might want to adapt the companys business model. However, AirAsia had some advantages over its competitors by the advantage of experience and its brand enjoyed good recognition. AirAsia gain from the first mover advantage in South East Asia which allows it to establish itself before competition perceive further in this low cost segment, apart from competition that already exists across segments (low cost vs. full service carriers). AirAsia has the strength to lay down the rules and framework in the industry for business and operational suitability. Whether the elements of the strategy are consistent and aligned with the strategic position Strategy works as a driver in a firm in achieving goals and objectives (Carpenter and Sanders, 2009). AirAsias five strategy elements are as follows: Arenas (where will be active and with how much emphasis) * Low cost airline.  · specific markets-price sensitive customers (including first-time fliers) * Main base is located at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Its affiliate airlines, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia fly from Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand and Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Indonesia, respectively. Vehicles (How to get there?) * Internal development via new routes. * Strategic partnership. Differentiators (How to win?) * Low cost short and long haul with no-frills. Customers have the choice of customizing services without compromising on quality and services. * Create new segment in airline travel based on value and service. Staging and Pacing (what will the speed and sequence of moves?) * AirAsia flies to over 60 domestic and international destinations with 50 routes, and operates over 400 flights daily from hubs located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. * AirAsia has flown over 55 million guests across the region and continues to spread its wings to create more extensive route network through its associate companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia. Economic Logic (How do returns be obtained?) * Low operation cost through flying with one type of aircraft, uses secondary airport locations etc. * Low cost incentive with various choices of destinations. Porter (1996) presented three generic strategies that an organisation could use to overcome the five forces and achieve competitive advantage. Adopting a suitable strategy depends on the organisations industry, customer characteristics and capabilities (Murray ,1988) and (Eng ,1993). However. In the LCC segment, cost is the competitive priority and it determines market position. In lieu of this, AirAsia has applied the focused cost leadership strategy wherein it targets on specific markets; price sensitive customers as well as lowering its overall costs (Flouris and Walker, 2005). Murray (1988) disagrees that cost structure is vital in relation to the output performance compared to the price sensitivity. Factors such as economy of scale and quality of management teams within the organization could be the benchmark for cost leadership. Under the cost leadership strategy, level of operation efficiency is vital as it assist in achieving cost advantages than the rivals by searching continuous areas for cost reduction along its value chain that leads to economies of scale (Eng, 1993). AirAsia increases its efficiency through increased route network and its operating activities by adapting cost optimising techniques such as quick turnaround times and maximizing of flight utilisation for its aircrafts (Shari, 2003). AirAsia took advantage from the existence of e-commerce which is easier technique in providing information. The cost related to web is very low compared to other methods like advertisement on television. AirAsia has taken advantage from this method to reduce the cost of operations. Malaysia government has supported AirAsia through the opening of the LCC terminal in Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which enhanced its competitive edge by reducing costs and better logistic planning (Euromonitor International, 2009). Competitors tend to know how big the market is and how good the opportunity is in Asia. Therefore, there is threat by competitors, which could imitate AirAsias low cost base. Most of the competitors have the same concept of no frills and low price strategy and will continuously try to reduce its costs than AirAsia in order to gain sustainability in the market. The challenge for AirAsia is to reduce cost effectively which is difficult for the competitors to copy. Possible issues associated with implementation Strategy formulation and implementation are interdependent with the objectives being a coherent set of strategy elements and implement levers (Carpenter and Sanders, 2009). In order to succeed in the LCC segment, AirAsia will need to maintain its low cost elements in their business design, as it is critical to the long-term success. The main reason is because the more gaps arise between the competiting airlines, the more flexibility will be available to offer lower price and gain market share. An extended route system will most certainly be a key differentiator and to sustain its competitive advantages, resources and capabilities need to be analysed further. With the growth in the LCC, it will create opportunity to others to enter the market. Competition between carriers using the same business model will inevitably be intense. There were studies resulting that adapting one or more forms of generic strategy will enable organisation to outperform better (Murray, 1988). However, Eng (1993) indicated that Porter discouraged organisations to combine the said strategies as it is inconsistent as for example differentiation is related to cost. One of the major pitfalls against attempting to differentiate is by trying to combine low cost and differentiation strategy by starting to add frills in its business model. By applying this strategy, carriers have lost their source of competitive advantage by narrowing the strategic cost gap. Every frill or service adds to cost and reduced the strategic cost gap, thus curbing the flexibility to offer innovative price deals. Around the world, it has been observed that low cost airlines pursuing a generic b usiness design have emerged as the most successful. Conclusion AirAsias success is based on the no-frills, low fare, simple and convenient option air travel. The company has managed to deliver low fares by consistently keeping cost low through high efficiency in every art of the business and maintaining simplicity. The company has indicated that synergies between the internal and external factors could develop a competitive advantage. This has allowed AirAsia to position and be the market leader for LCC in South East Asia. The brand name is a major strength to AirAsia wherein a lot of effort is being done. For example, initially when considering to enter the UK market, the company has collaborated with Manchester United and later with referees of Football Association of England. At the moment, they also collaborated with a giant American football club, Oakland Riders to create brand awareness for the local public in order for them to enter the USA market in the future. Bibliography AirAsia offers a new take on the long haul, low cost airline sector (February 2009) Euromonitor International. (assessed on December 2, 2009) Barney J.B. (1995) Looking Inside for Competitive Advantage Academy of Management Executive. 9(4): pp. 49-61 Carpenter, M.A., Sanders W.G. (2009) Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective Concepts and Cases Edition. 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Pearson International Edition Collis, D. J.,Montgomery, C. A. (1995) Competing on Resources Harvard Business Review. pp. 118-128 Dess, G.G., Lumpkin, G.T., Alan, B.E. (2008) Strategic Management. 4th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Eisenthardt, K., Martin, J.A. (2000) Dynamic Capabilities: What Are They? Strategic Management Journal. 21: pp. 1105-1121 Eng, L.G. (2003) Using Generic Strategies: Some Caveats Singapore Management Review. 15(2) : pp. 43-48 Flouris T., Walker T.J., (2005) The Financial Performance of Low Cost and Full Service Airlines in Times of Crisis Canadian Journal Administrative Sciences. 22(1) : pp. 3-20 Hanan M.T., Freeman J. (1984) Structural Inertia and Organisational Change American Sociology Review. 49(2): pp. 149-164 Local Company Profile: AirAsia Sdn Bhd-Travel and Tourism-Malaysia (October 2009) Euromonitor International. (assessed on December 1, 2009) Murray A.I. (1988) A Contingency View of Porters â€Å"Generic Strategies† The Academy of Management Review. 13(3) : pp. 390-400 Graham B., Vowles T.M. (2006) Carriers within Carriers: A Strategic Response to Low-Cost Airline Competition Transport Reviews.: pp. 105-126 Porter M.E. (1996), What is Strategy Harvard Business School. pp. 61-78 Shameem A. (September 26, 2006), AirAsia Taked Flights on Low Cost Carriers Business Week (Online) Available from http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2006/gb20060929_437421.html (assess on December 2, 2009) Shari M. (September 1, 2003) A Discount Carrier Spread its Wings Business Week (Online), Available from: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/03_35/b3847132_mz033.htm (assessed on December 2, 2009) Teece, D.J., Pisano G., Shuen, Amy (1997) Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management Strategic Management Journal. 18(7): pp. 509-533 www.airasia.com (assess on November 12, 2009)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

First Impressions in Pride and Prejudice Essay -- essays research pape

Pride and Prejudice was originally and appropriately titled â€Å"First Impressions.† This romantic and philosophical novel demonstrates to its readers how first impressions can drastically get in the way of romantic relationships. First impressions are generally inaccurate, as in the case of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, and also the case of Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley. The first impressions can, however, be accurate, such as in the case of Elizabeth Bennet and William Collins. In this so-called â€Å"relationship,† Elizabeth understood all along that Mr. Collins was a particularly disgusting man who liked to fawn over everyone he met. Mr. Collins, however, thought at first that Elizabeth was exactly like all of the other girls of her time period: submissive and unintelligent. Readers of Jane Austen’s novel can easily gain knowledge of the fact that Mr. Collins was completely wrong about her. The majority of the novel Pride and Prejudice centered around the conflict between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. The two first met at a ball in Meryton, and both decided that they hated each other before even getting to know one another. This is one example of how first impressions can ruin potential relationships. for instance, before Mr. Darcy even knew what Elizabeth was like, he concluded from seeing her that she was not particularly pretty, and that she was â€Å"slighted by other men.† (Austen, 10) On the other side of the situation, when Elizabeth overheard this insulting comment, she also jumped to conclusions. She deduced that Mr. Darcy was a selfish, rich snob. These first impressions caused them to spend most of the novel hating each other. Even when Mr. Darcy finally got over his first impressions about Elizabeth herself and propos... ...e fond of a person just by looking at them, or even by their place in society. For instance, just because you think that a person is a rich snob, that does not mean that they are a rich snob in all actuality. In the defense of Mr. Darcy, for example, the person you are judging might just be reserved and introverted. In Elizabeth’s defense, however, it is also not appropriate to criticize people because of their external appearance. It is also unwarranted to write people off as â€Å"slighted by other men.† (Austen, 10) To cut a long story short, the development of the plot demonstrates to readers that everyone makes mistakes. Particularly selfish mistakes, on the other hand, can demolish and devastate potential relationships until the problem is worked out, and both opposing parties resolve to set their extremely selfish desires free and give each other a fair chance.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hello Kitty Singapore Essay

A person has many needs at any given time. Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. According to him, human needs are arranged in a hierarchy (refer to Figure 1), from the most pressing to the least pressing. In order of importance, they are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The most basic level of needs must be satisfied first before desiring higher level needs. Therefore, having a Mctoy fulfils the forth level needs, called as ‘Esteem Needs’. Self-esteem is the desire for status, self-respect and prestige. Owning the series of Hello Kitty dolls has gained a sense of fulfilment to the individual because it is not that easy to get the limited edition toys at any time. Besides that, the ‘Kiasu’ attitude which is very popular among Singaporeans to have something which everyone else is having, regardless of whether it is of any use. The fear of losing out drives the feeling to fulfil their esteem needs, where they are happy knowing they too have one like others. In order to fulfil the esteem need, people are often engaged in either profession or hobby to gain recognition. For those who loves collecting dolls, use this hobby as a platform to gain recognition from others so that they will be praised. Thus, they feel that by owning the series of hello kitty dolls can make them gained recognition. How has McDonald’s created value to its consumers by offering Hello Kittty dolls in their Extra Value Meals? Marketing experts, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers say that ‘The only value a company will ever create is the value that comes from customers.’ Customer value is the relationship between the consumers perception of benefits they believe they will derive from a purchased compared to the price that will be paid. The total benefit package includes functional attributes of the product and related service attributes. Creating value not only transforms sales effectiveness, it also provides insulation from price pressure. There are many sales strategies, tactics and techniques for creating value for customers. McDonald’s has identified the benefits that consumers would gain from the promotion by creating a series of value to its customer through the promotion. The total value created to its consumers by McDonald’s comprises of four sources namely product, services, personnel and image. Firstly, the product (Hello kitty Dolls) were given as a premium to its loyal consumers at its cost price when consumer purchases the Extra Value Meal, rather than charging any extra amount for it. McDonalds has created value to its consumers by offering this product premium. In terms of service, McDonald’s has created value to its consumers an alternative way of getting the exclusive dolls, where these dolls can only be purchased through McDonald’s outlets during the limited period of time. This series of limited-edition toys will not be available as and when consumers want them. Thirdly, the satisfaction gained by consumers by owning these dolls. As the dolls were limited edition and were sold at cheaper price, McDonald’s has created the satisfaction feeling among its consumers when they own them. And finally image value is created to McDonald’s consumers where the consumers have the option to choose designs of their preferences during the one-month promotion. The image of ‘Kitty’ representing different cultures wedding costumes creates value to those owning them. Thus, McDonald’s has added up values from all the four sources mentioned above to successfully create values to its consumers through its ‘Hello Kitty’ Promotion. Recommendations and Conclusion Here are several alternatives that McDonald’s should have considered before carrying out the promotion to avoid such havoc from happening: 1) Study the consumer behaviour of Singaporeans 2) Periods of the promotion 3) Increase the number of toys offered for promotion In conclusion, the havoc caused from the ‘Hello Kitty’ Promotion in Singapore has not tarnished McDonald’s image in any aspect. This was proven when McDonald’s introduced another six sets of designs featured royal costumes around the world a year after, and the sales seem not to be declining. There was no repeat of the previous year’s frenzy as McDonald’s was prepared. Several precautions were taken such as limiting the number of dolls each customer can buy to four, and had more dolls in stock for panic buying. Besides that, to monitor and control the crowds, McDonald’s has hired security personnel and mobile squad officers to visit McDonald’s outlets.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Biography of Jan Hus, Religious Reformer and Martyr

Biography of Jan Hus, Religious Reformer and Martyr A century before Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses criticizing the Roman Catholic Church, Czech pastor and church reformer Jan Hus pointed out the same problems. The Church labeled Hus a heretic and burned him at the stake. But Hus complaints would not die with him. Instead, they sparked a wildfire of protest that roared across Europe, changing Christianity forever. Early Life and Career The birth of Jan Hus around 1370 was of little notice in the southern Bohemian town of Husinec. His parents were peasants, and as an adult, he shortened his surname from Husinec to Hus. By 1394, Hus had earned a bachelors degree at the University of Prague. Two years later he added a masters and became an instructor at the university. A struggle at the university pitted the German masters, who opposed church reform, against the Czech masters, who admired the writings of John Wycliffe (1330 - 1384), an English reformer who translated the gospels into English. Wycliffes writings found their way into Prague about 1401, worsening the split between the Germans and Czechs. Hus Discovers Wycliffe Hus found himself agreeing with many of the points Wycliffe had raised. For example, Wycliffe considered Scripture to be the supreme authority, not the pope. He also opposed the sale of indulgences, Church documents which supposedly shortened or terminated a souls stay in purgatory. Wycliffes belief in trusting in Christ alone for salvation, rather than good works or obeying church rules, later became a cornerstone of the Reformation. Hus also agreed with Wycliffes plea for restraining clergy, who had become powerful landowners in Bohemia. Hus denounced the sin of simony, the practice of using a church position to profit from selling pardons or church appointments.   Church and Politics Needless to say, Hus positions were not popular with the local bishops and the pope. In 1403, Johann Hubner, one of the anti-reform German masters at the university, drew up a list of 45 of Wycliffes articles and condemned them as heresy. Besides the upheaval caused by the fledgling reform movement, this was a period of chaos in the Roman Catholic Church. There were two popes, Gregory XII and Benedict XIII, and a later election resulted in a third, Alexander V. Archbishop Zbynek Zajic of Bohemia, initially a supporter of Hus, turned against him and bribed Pope Alexander V to prohibit preaching in private chapels. Hus preached in Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. When Hus refused to follow the popes order, Archbishop Zbynek excommunicated him. Still, Hus continued to preach and teach at the university. Once more, the matter of indulgences came up when Alexanders successor, Pope John XXIII, sold them in Bohemia to raise money. Hus again condemned the practice, but that did not sit well with King Vaclav IV of Bohemia, who received a share from indulgence sales. Without Vaclavs support, Hus was excommunicated by the Roman curia. A church interdict was placed on Prague in 1412, which meant Catholics could not receive sacraments or be buried in church cemeteries. To spare the city, Hus fled to southern Bohemia, where he stayed in exile at the castles of friends. Hus Writes Feverishly In an attempt to answer charges against him, Hus wrote a lengthy book titled The Church (de Ecclesia) in which he asserted that Jesus Christ, not the pope, is the head of the church. Hus stated that Christ is the Rock upon which the church is built, not Peter. While Hus declared Catholics were obligated to obey the church when its laws were based on Scripture, he said they had no duty to obey when humanmade rules could not be supported by the Bible. In his book On Simony, Hus attacked the common practice of simony, rampant in the 15th century. Affluent parents bought high church positions for their sons, most of whom showed little interest in the gospel. That led to a string of lazy, corrupt church leaders. During that period Hus also penned a long series of letters to everyone from personal friends to the people of Prague to cardinals and the pope. Much of what is known about him comes from those documents. His other works explained the Ten Commandments, the Apostles Creed, and the Lords Prayer. Of course, many of Hus positions undercut church authority, a stance that further alienated him from the local archbishop and Rome. Hus was dangerously unaware of just how much he was hated by church officials. Betrayal and Execution In 1414, a naive Jan Hus traveled to a church conference in Constance, Germany, believing he would have the chance to defend himself before a group of church fathers gathered to discuss the situation of three sitting popes. Hus was promised safe passage there and back by King Sigismund of Hungary, Vaclavs half-brother, but when Hus arrived, he was arrested and thrown in prison. Located next to the latrines, Hus unsanitary cell stunk. The reformer grew so ill that treatment by the popes doctor and relocation to another cell were needed to keep Hus alive. When Hus finally appeared before the council, the loathing against him was overwhelming. Sigismund, caving to political pressure, secretly withdrew his vow of protection. The council concocted 30 false articles they said Hus taught, including that he was the fourth person of the Godhead. Every time Hus tried to defend himself, he was shouted down. On July 6, 1415, Hus was dressed in priestly vestments then ceremonially defrocked. He refused to recant his beliefs. Dragged to the place of execution, he was bound to the stake with a chain around his neck. Men piled wood up to his chin. Given one last chance to recant, Hus proclaimed his innocence. As the fire overtook him, Hus could be heard singing, Jesus, son of the living God, have mercy on me. Reformation Legacy Hus impact on later reformers was immense. In 1520, Martin Luther confessed, I have taught and held all the teachings of Jan Hus, but thus far did I not know it . . . In short, we are all Hussites and did not know it. Most mainstays of Protestant theology can be traced to Hus: Christ alone as head of the church, strict adherence to the Bible, all worship readings and sermons in the local language, reception of both wine and bread in communion, daily Bible reading by Christians, and the danger of temptations in culture. As a Catholic priest, Hus never advocated breaking from the church. Instead, he called for change, for reforming the corrupt bureaucracy of the church and returning to the nonpolitical norms of early Christianity. The system called his appeals heresy.   Jan Hus Fast Facts Full Name: Jan Hus  Also Known As: John Huss, Johann Huss  Occupation: Priest, theologian, teacher   Born: Between 1369 and 1372 in Husinec, Czech RepublicDied: July 6, 1415, in Constance, GermanyEducation: University of PraguePublished Works: The Church, On Simony, lettersKey Accomplishments: Inspired church reformers like Martin LutherFamous quote: In life eternal, there is perfect joy and light, without pain or torture, and there is communion with God Himself and His angels. Sources Christian History Institute.  To Build a Fire. https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/to-build-a-fire.Reformation 500. Jan Hus. https://reformation500.csl.edu/bio/jan-hus/.C.S. Lewis Institute. The Legacy of John Hus. cslewisinstitute.org/The_Legacy_of_John_Hus_FullArticle.Online Library of Liberty. Jan Huss,  The Church  [1411]. http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/huss-the-church.Christianity Today, Christian History. John Huss, Pre-Reformation Reformer. https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/people/martyrs/john-huss.html.Encyclopedia Britannica. Han Hus, Bohemian Religious Leader. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jan-Hus.The Famous People. 18 Thought-Provoking Quotes By John Huss That Prove Hope Springs Eternal. https://quotes.thefamouspeople.com/john-huss-87.php

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Natural Environment and Nbb Essay

Natural Environment and Nbb Essay Natural Environment and Nbb Essay CASE STUDY Executive Summary The main purpose of this case study is to analyses how the brewery company makes their products different from other brewery company without damaging any environmental or natural resource. NBB was the first company which produces one galloon of beer with the ratio amount of 3.8; 10 which is just half while other company use 5 gallons of water to make one gallon of beer. They change their core value that using more of cans instead of bottles because the cost of bottles is more than the cans while transporting from one to another. Introduction The new Belgium Company was invented by Jeff lebesh and his wife name Kim Jordan. Their main aim is to expand their home beer business to commercial production. However they both believed that they could produce world class beer while maintain all social environment. After sometime the new Belgium Company had become the third most popular largest craft company in overall industry. Their mission of the business is just to provide fine beer to the public without harming any natural environment and maintain the sustainability of the bsiness.in 1989 when Jeff was returned their home from Colorado from her bike trip he was set an quest that he want to serve the different taste of beer to the American’s beer drinkers i.e. essence which he was found in her bike trip in the Belgium countryside. By using their own home experience they both invented a new taste of beer and started to sell in their local market i.e. to their neighbor, friends, local pubs etc. Having a parallel to sometim e in 1991 the company produce only two types of beer name as fat tire amber ale and the darker dubbel.Furthermore,Today now NBB produce more than 18 different style of beer having having all have different taste. The NBB is the first brewery company which done their business while maintaining all business corporate social responsibility toward the without dame environment and the public also. Literature Review The review of previous research accomplishes several purposes. It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the Study being reported, it relates the study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature about the topic, and it provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study. It can serve as a benchmark for comparing the results of the study with other findings. Methodology This section specifies the type of research design utilized in the paper, such as the approach to data collection, analysis, and report writing. It should detail the context of the research, e.g. type of organization, jurisdiction, indicate how subjects were selected, e.g. random, key informants, discuss techniques for data collection, e.g. interviews, questionnaire, document review, study of case files, and explain the underlying rationale for these decisions. It may be useful to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen design. Study A case study is the study of the particularity and complexity of a single case. Relevant cases will include public and not-for-profit administrators and their programs. Most often, these cases will be embedded in a political system in which actors exercise power and influence over processes and decisions. We are interested in cases for both their uniqueness and commonality. Cases are "bounded, integrated systems;" hence, we observe working parts that connect people with programs in some sort of purposive fashion. Some cases are so important in themselves that we focus on studying their intrinsic qualities. Other cases are applicable to important public administration and public policy questions. Hence, they are considered instrumental to understanding larger issues Analysis 1. What is the ethical issue in this case? The NBB always do a commitment in the starting when they starting to expand their business. If and Kim developed a set of core values that

Monday, November 4, 2019

Negotiation in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Negotiation in China - Research Paper Example As Ogilvie and Kidder (2008) have defined negotiation as the process by which individuals, business parties or countries exchange services, goods and decide an exchange rate for the exchanged goods. Both parties in negotiation try to articulate or influence each other in order to fulfillment of their own objective. Ma and Jaeger (2005) have done research work on negotiation process of China and found that business negotiation in China is affected by multitude of factors such as social beliefs, tenure of the deal making process, relationship, flexible nature of the negotiation and many others. Ma and Jaeger (2005) have argued that economy of China is booming and gross domestic output of the country is growing at an average of 9% which is greater than GDP growth of USA and other European countries. Hence, there is no surprise why American entrepreneurs are moving to China to open business units and American companies are looking establishing partnership with Chinese companies and gover nment. Interesting fact is that, research work of Ma and Jaeger (2010) has revealed in more than 40% cases, American entrepreneurs fail to negotiate with Chinese companies due to reasons like lack of understanding of American entrepreneurs about the business and social culture of china, language barrier to understand Chinese language etc. However, very few researchers have tried to understand the inter-correlated nature of independent variable which ensure effectiveness of negotiation in China hence it can be assumed that there is large gap exist in the literature about negotiation in China. Hence the researcher working as media consultant for Academy of International Business (AIB) will conduct a quantitative study in order to analyze the relation between internal variables related to negotiation process in China. Purpose of the Study Key purpose of the study was to determine what special insights outsiders need in order prepare negotiation in China. The report will answer followin g questions; Research Question 1: What are the important factors while emphasizing on relationship aspect of negotiation in China? Using this research question helped the researcher to understand conjoint impact of three micro variables such as relationship, social gathering and presence of translator on overall effectiveness of negotiation in China. These three micro variables defined the overall on impact of relationship in negotiation in China. Research Question 2: What are the important factors while emphasizing on process aspect of negotiation in China? Using this research question helped the researcher to understand conjoint impact of three micro variables such as fixed term, flexibility in negotiating process and slow deal making process on overall effectiveness of negotiation in China. These three micro variables defined the overall on impact of process aspect in negotiation in China. Methods and Procedure Used Data for this research report was collected by sample survey pro cess with the help of close ended questionnaire. Academic peer reviewed journals were used as secondary data sources in order to develop the theoretical

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gender Roles and Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Gender Roles and Sexuality - Essay Example An average man is seen to be taller and heavier than an average woman and 30% physically stronger in the upper body (LifeForm Newtowrk Inc.). Internally, â€Å"men and women have different levels of certain hormones; for example, men have a higher concentration of androgens such as testosterone, while women have a higher concentration of estrogens (LifeForm Network Inc.). These things are rather obvious as we all perceive men to be the physically stronger sex than women. Later in our discussion, this premises on differences will lead to some conclusion about gender roles. As to intelligence, there is known to be little difference between men and women. Specifically, the findings are: †an average man performs better on tests of spatial and mathematical ability, while women perform better on tests of verbal ability and memory† and â€Å"men’s IQ has greater variance, which means that there are more men than women in the very high and very low IQ groups† (LifeForm Network Inc.). Behaviorally, men are known to be more physically aggressive, has more sexual drive, has more positive attitude than women, are less emotions but also has less willingness to express emotions to women (LifeForm Network Inc.). Different societies have difference views of men and women. Some countries, like the Muslim countries and in Africa, women are treated much less than in other countries. One thing in common however is that women are viewed as inferior to men. Only the magnitude of difference matters. Men are usually more educated, has higher position and therefore higher salaries than women, although in some democratic countries the gap is closing in.