Friday, February 14, 2020

How did the worsening of ideological relations between Mao Zedong and Essay - 1

How did the worsening of ideological relations between Mao Zedong and Nikita Krushchev lead to the sini-soviet split in the 1960s - Essay Example The second fight was against the nationalist Kuomintang (Marks 10). The Nationalist Kuomintang was led by Chiang kai Shek. The overlapping wars persuaded Mao to ignore the advices and directions by Stalin. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Mao followed the lead of Stalin and agreed on the Joint Anti-Japanese Coalition with leader of Nationalist Kuomintang, Chiang Kai Shek (Hershberg 149). The treaty of friendship was signed with Nationalist Kuomintang in 1945. After 3 months of Japan’s surrender Stalin broke the treaty (Li 4). In 1950, Mao Signed Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship & Alliance (Li 409). The alliance resulted in $300Mio loan at a very minimal interest rate along with the military alliance for the period of 30 years. In 1954, after the death of Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev met Mao and formally handed over Port Arther base to China (Khoo 4). The Post Stalin policies by Khrushchev were in conflict with the mind set of Mao. The reason was that Khrushchev deno unced Stalin through his speeches. In 1956, Khrushchev developed relationship with Yugoslavia. The leader of Yugoslavia Joseph Broz Tito was denounced by Stalin. Mao was the supporter of Stalin’s ideology. Khrushchev tried to dismantle Mao’s support of USSR. Khrushchev met with the US president on 1959 to improve the Soviet-America relationships. Khrushchev also tried to decrease the tensions with the Western World in the Cold war. Ultimately, the ideological debate between the two parties i.e. Russia & China were majorly concerned with the peaceful co-existence with the capitalist world. The major reason of the Sino-Soviet split was the national difference. The political line of Mao was totally opposed to that of Khrushchev. Therefore, the conflict in political perspectives between the two parties leads to the creation of two rival formations internationally. The issue was not explicitly considered as the national difference. The issue was believed to be the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cause and Effect Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cause and Effect Assignment - Essay Example Parents may adopt a given set of strategy and action based on the normal situations or the circumstances in which they are forced to bring about an action in response to the lack of values and behavioral respect shown by their children. The disciplinary action is originally meant to bring about resoluteness and respect in the manners and behavior of the children. The impacts can be multi fold. It can be either building up a very well groomed and looked after children or in certain cases it may also include the deviation in the form of excessively restrictive environment and behavioral response by the children. Surveillance based parenting includes parenting keeping a close and unannounced check on the children. This may include observing their activities, observing their belongings in their absence and other similar actions. The disciplinary action based parenting includes adopting a relatively formal method of parenting. This may include taking punitive measures which at times even may include physically controlling. Disciplinary actions may also include grounding of children and restricting their activities. Remuneration based treatment of children is the broader form of disciplinary action. Many experts on the subject of parenting and good skills with regard to children’s brought up advocate the use of counseling, sharing, and intimacy based build up of relations. In this kind of relationship and atmosphere presence, the child feels secure, easy and gives out the information easily which allows the parents resolving their issues relatively easily and flexibly. The child does not fear any threat, punishment that may come from the parents end in the case of violation as is the case in the form of disciplinary form of parenting and guidance by the parents. Effect of counseling may lead to increased good and open relationship between the child and parent. Since it is the human nature that the